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𝕴 huffed, sliding into my seat at the bench at dinner, placing my head in my hands, "Sirius you need to sort out your satisifiers"

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𝕴 huffed, sliding into my seat at the bench at dinner, placing my head in my hands, "Sirius you need to sort out your satisifiers"

"Satisfiers?" James snickered, eating his dinner.

"I have had twelve different girls come up to me today warning me not to go near him or they will 'get me' whatever that means" I informed them, plating up a few vegetables, potatoes and a small piece of chicken.

"Jealous, princess?" He smirked, winking at me whilst running his hand through his long hair.

"Oh definitely" I retorted sarcastically, "I'd call them bitches but that would be an insult to dogs"

"Whores. Sirius' whores" Remus piped up, "That's what I call them"

"What do they mean by get you?" Peter inquired, my nose wrinkling up when I turned to the grey eyes boy again.

"They touch me and I will beat the shit out of them" I warned him, nodding when he raised his hands in defence.

"Listen sweetheart, I never told them to go after you, I just meet them where and when I want to" He defended, shrugging at me.

"Well they obviously feel threatened by Amore" James chirped, my eyebrows furrowing.

"Threatened?" I quizzed. There's no reason to be threatened by me. Not unless they want to be hated by the boy and barely have an civil conversation with him, there's no reason to be jealous or threatened. Sirius despises me.

"Yes, I believe that is what I said. If they are warning you not go near Padfoot, they clearly think you two are going to become something"

"As if" We both scoffed at the same time, frowning at each other. There's no way in hell that would ever happen.

"He's too much of a manwhore"

"Ouch, that hurt me so so much" He feigned hurt, pretending to wipe a tear from my eye.

"Whatever, just control your satisfiers"

"Oh, I do" He smirked again, raising an eyebrow. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.

The rest of the group began talking again, mostly about the most random things because they were the Marauders, they say the weirdest things and theories. I pushed my food around my plate, leaning my head on my hand, looking up when I felt someone repeatedly tap my foot. I knitted my eyebrows together, sending him a questioning look.

"Eat" He mumbled, nodding to my food.

"I am eating" I replied in an obvious tone.

"No, you're not, you're just pushing your food around on your plate. Don't make me have to feed you, we both don't want to have to do that" He remarked quietly, Remus glancing at me out of the corner of his eye, hearing the conversation and tuning out of James and Peter's.

"Here" He handed me a big piece of chocolate, the two of them exchanging a look and watching me eat it.

"Thank you" I murmured, nibbling on the chocolate he gave me. "I know how to eat, you know"

"I'm not too sure, you weren't doing so well before"

"Sirius" Remus warned, sending him a look.

"What's wrong?" James queried, hearing Remus and pausing his conversation with Peter. I looked at him, swallowing slightly.

"Nothing" Sirius waved him off, "Oh look, Evans is here" He distracted the messy haired boy, eyeing me with an unreadable expression.

"She's so gorgeous..hair as red as fire, hot and tingly, eyes as green as lilypads and grass verges, covered in lillies and different flowers.." He trailed off, gazing romantically at the red headed girl who payed him no attention, talking to Mary instead.

"Sirius, are we still on for tonight?" A brown haired ravenclaw came sauntering over, standing over Sirius, twirling her hair around her finger.

"Not tonight Grace, i'm busy" He told her, not sparing a glance towards the desperate girl and rather keeping his gaze on me.

"My name is Juliette" She corrected him, him waving her off anyway, not even bothered about the mistake he made. She looked over to me, scoffing and shaking her head, "Eloise was right, stay away from him Beaufort"

"Okay...One i'm not yours, you can't tell me who I can and can't be around, Grace and second of all there's nothing to be right about. Now please go away, i'll meet you tomorrow" He responded hotly, now looking at the brown haired girl with narrowed eyes. She nodded, gulping, before strolling away back over to her friends.

"Threatened" James sang under his breath, eating his treacle tart.

"There's nothing to be threatened about!" Sirius and I yelled together, the both of us huffing and rolling our eyes when we locked our gazes on one another again.

"Of course not" Peter nodded, munching on some jelly and ice cream.

"There isn't!" We snapped, standing up at the same time and walking out of the hall, the group watching us and shaking their heads.

"Of course not" Peter repeated again, James and Remus snickering at him.


We walked up towards the Gryffindor tower in complete silence, folding our arms over our chests, thinking the exact same thing. There was nothing for these girls to be jealous of, he hated me and I hated him, nothing more, nothing less. That was it, so why were they so obsessed with me? I literally haven't done anything. I felt something drop in my pocket, my eyebrows knitted together when I turned to face him.

"Eat it all" He instructed as we approached the painting, "Evening, Miranda, looking as beautiful as ever"

"Such a charmer as always, Sirius Black" Miranda responded, a smile on her face, blushing. How does a painting blush? "Password?"

"Godrics Hollow" I answered, watching her flicker her eyes to me and opening the door, revealing our common room. I trudged in, leaving him still having a flirty conversation with the painting and taking a seat on the couch and staring into the crackling fire. He walked in, humming a tune with a smile on his face, taking a seat on the opposite couch, sprawling out. Honestly, he flirts with everything in his eye sight.

"Do you try and chat up everything and everyone?" I rolled my eyes, hearing him hum.

"I don't need to chat up them, princess, they already fall for my good looks and charm" He claimed, propping his feet up on the coffee table, putting his hands behind his head. What a pompous fool.

"What good looks and charm?"

"I don't use them on you"

"So they aren't always there then? You have to turn them on?"

"No" He retorted, "they are just immune to you obviously" He mumbled under his breath, "Eat"

"Why are you so obsessed with me eating?"

"Because you're clearly not doing it yourself" He replied quietly, "Just eat for me, okay?"

"I will"





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