(145) Got Your Nose - Prinxiety

Start from the beginning

"I think I reset him somehow..." Roman had reached the pair's friendship group by the time Virgil stopped thinking about all the love happening around him, and Virgil was placed on the ground and nudged. But it seemed as there was no escape, as it seemed that as soon as Virgil and Roman arrived they were dragged into a conversation about the homecoming that they were actually allowed to attend this year. The boys were discussing who they were going to ask out, and the girls were discussing dresses.

And Roman seemed happy to fit the 'normal'. "Eh, I don't know who I'll take. I'll just wait around and -" The way Roman turned to Virgil made Virgil's mind pause. He had a soft smile that looked so pretty. He looked so pretty. "If I don't want to take a date I know I've got a pretty good plus one, right Hot Topic?"

Virgil's brain was scrambling in a different way, his mind just repeating how pretty Roman's eyes, lips, and general face were. Something had unlocked in his mind in this moment - something not very straight.

"Uh... yeah."


"Oh shit... Verge?" Roman ran down the corridors when he saw the black and purple hoodie of his best friend, sitting in the corner of the hallway with his hood up and his arms hugging his legs. And that only meant one thing - he was having a panic attack.

Since Roman and Virgil were sophomores they didn't have that many classes together now, but they still stayed together whenever both were free. They had different lunch periods though, and while Virgil's lunch break was starting Roman was making his way to music class. And that's how Roman found his best friend in this state.

"You got your earphones? Yeah." Virgil's black earphones were firmly placed in his ears. The teen's eye contact was shaky but he eventually looked up at his best friend, controlling his breaths by himself until he finally met eyes with Roman. The look Virgil gave Roman was unmistakably a look of dread and fear. "Wow, um, OK, that sure is a look you gave me."

"S-s-sorry I-I'm trying..." Every sound seemed difficult for Virgil to make, as he fiddled with his hoodie sleeves and looked down at his knees. "Y-you have a lesson?"

"I have a best friend that needs help." Roman corrected, smiling at his friend even though he didn't smile back. "Take your time bud, I'm here for you." After a few seconds Virgil nodded and unleashed a low moan, counting his breaths in his mind until his breathing calmed yet again. The hallway was empty at this point, but it still took a second for Virgil to speak.

"You remember Valerie Torres-Rosario?" Virgil whispered under his breath, fiddling with the aglet of his hoodie. Valerie was a pretty good friend of both the boys, and had been since freshman year, but she was especially kind and considerate when it came to Virgil. She had confessed to Roman in theatre class that she had a crush on Virgil - and Roman encouraged it - he'd love to see his best friend happy (even though he'd had a crush on him since seventh grade). "She asked me to the homecoming next month."

Roman faked a wide smile for his friend who deserves a happy future. "And did you say yes? You two would be so cute together - and she's already got the purple dress for last year so you could go matching and be adorable!"

The teen was only met by a glare. "Of course I didn't. I chickened out."

"Well, she is on lunch break too so you should go find her!"

"Shut up." Virgil's breath hitched again as he snapped, clutching his arms again as panic rose. But Roman did as told and immediately silenced, letting Virgil get his grips again in silence too, they didn't have to speak to communicate.

Virgil wasn't delving into a deep panic attack like before, he just looked a little uncomfortable as he thought. Roman kept his eyes on his friend as he formulated a plan to cheer up and distract his best friend in the way they always did. He reached forward, pinched the tip of Virgil's button nose, and smiled.

"Got your nose."

Virgil laughed to himself as his grip loosened, just watching Roman with his thumb between his pointer and middle finger. His mind was thinking, as always, and wondering through all the possibilities of the interaction. He would much rather go to homecoming with Roman than Valerie.

The first movement Virgil did was to put a hand on Roman's cheek, making the friend just pause. Virgil could feel Roman's face heating up under his touch while he shuffled closer. There was something he really wanted to do.

"I... I think I have your lips." Lips met quickly and both began kissing as soon as contact began. They both wanted this, and they were happy to encourage each other with mumbles until they were caught (and unfortunately dragged away) by a teacher.


It was early evening when Roman walked into the kitchen, ready to make an easy meal for him and his husband as they had been working all day. He didn't expect to see Virgil also in the kitchen, sitting on the counter as he shovelled his soulmate's favourite jam and stared down at the little being in his lap. The couple's adorable little baby was in Roman's adorable husband's lap, crying softly and sweetly. "How are they?"

Virgil smirked and chuckled down at their baby, brushing a hand through the little hair the baby had and looking down with all the love he had. "Still struggling to settle, didn't Val say that's normal though?"

"Mhm. They've only been here for a week so everything's still scary, right Baba-Beloved?" Roman cooed and lifted the newborn from his husband's lap, kissing the chubby little cheek and getting out two microwave ready meals from the fridge. "Oh I'm excited for some pasta tonight..." The father mumbled, rocking his baby and completely ignoring his very clingy husband.

"Excuse me! Aren't I more important than your pasta?" Roman turned his head to smile at his husband, but he was doing grabby hands towards him and being too adorable to continue to ignore. Roman placed his newborn in a bassinet full of toys and ran over to his husband, giving his nose a peck of a kiss and then pinching it like always.

"I've got your nose." Virgil smiled sweetly and innocently with his beautiful blue eyes in full view. There were a million reasons Roman married his childhood friend but one of them was definitely Virgil's big, innocent eyes.

Virgil's smile was like a siren's song the way it brought Roman closer and closer until both men's lips were almost touching. But there was one thing that needed to be said before they kissed.

"And I've got your lips."

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