72 - Oliver Taylor

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She asked me to give her a tour of the offices, which is understandable since she has forgotten them. I also gave her as much information as I can about each office, the personnel, what they do, where the cafeteria is, the break room, etc. But I noticed something odd about her behavior. She's acting suspicious, so I had to ask her.

I stopped her from walking further. "What is it?" I asked.

"What?" Her expression is clueless.

"You look like you're doing something you're not supposed to." I gave her my honest evaluation and a serious look on my face.

Her face showed shock and bewilderment. She showed calm again after that and just stared at me, searching my eyes.

"You can tell that much?" She asked.

"I know you." I replied. It took a while before we stopped staring at each other.

She pulled out her right hand from her pocket and showed me tiny stickers.

"I'm planting bugs." She declared while watching my reaction. I frowned.

"Bugs...? You mean..." She nodded.

"Why would you..." I asked, at a loss on what to say, really.

"I heard you're having some troubles... well, technically, the company. I heard my brothers were involved as well, so I can't sit still. This feels like investigating a case, so... I went ahead."

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