34 - Oliver Taylor

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Why does she always get herself into trouble? Last time, it was with Christan. This time, it was with Cara. I wonder if my family combination with her brings her disaster. Charles was busy getting a footage of the incident and coordinating with the police. Lee was sent to the hospital, with a shot on her left arm and a broken right wrist. Cara ushered our nephews to Christan's place before rushing to the hospital. She told me what happened, while a police officer was getting her statement. She invited Lee to take the kids to amusement park after their classes at three in the afternoon. Their class was finishing up an activity so she and Lee waited inside the classroom. Lee sat down with Drew and Carl, helping them finish coloring a book. Cara was speaking with the teacher while an assistant was collecting books from those who already finished. Before any of the kids get out of the room, these two guys came in and announced a hostage. Majority of the kids there are children of wealthy people. They didn't give any instructions, though. They are clearly amateurs. They were a little unguarded since most of the people there are kids, and four women. There was a commotion as the teachers tried to calm the kids when the guys started yelling. The men positioned themselves near the door, with one guarding it while the other keeps an eye on the hostages. Cara and the teachers kept asking what they want and what needs to be done to let them all go. Admittedly, they wanted money. They are clearly in distress as they kept ranting about unfairness, injustice, abuse of the poor, etc. Anyway, the police arrived, and they weren't having any fruitful exchange with the men either. It already took over two hours. And no one bothered to inform me. Cara stated that she can't use the phone while Christan already knew she'll be taking the kids. He must have thought they're still having fun playing outside after school. Anyway, they were allowed to move a little and Lee sat next to one of the men. When Cara noticed it, she sat next to the other person. I questioned her actions. Did she really thought Lee has something planned? Anyway, Lee tried getting the gun of the man and she broke her wrist in that struggle, whereas Cara ended up hostage when the other man noticed the scuffle and she tried taking the gun as well. The other man fell unconscious and Lee was pretty much defenseless standing right in front of the other and yet the man holding Cara hostage didn't shoot. The police commented that amateurs don't really have the guts to shoot unless they feel very threatened. Lee stared at Cara and she interpreted it that Lee's going to shoot so she dropped down as soon as she heard the gunshot. Lee hit the man on the right shoulder while Lee was hit on the left arm. Cara ran outside to call for help. The police came in and sorted the situation.

The officer left and Cara sat near Lee's bed. The doctor already explained her condition. It was simply a graze, but it still left a sizeable wound that needed stitches. It was just as worse as the state of her broken wrist. She would need a longer recovery period than when she was stabbed by a broken bottle.

Her condition made me concerned. She usually claims she doesn't know what she did. Even after she recovered from being stabbed, she still can't explain what exactly happened. In her words, it felt like something took over her body and did whatever it was that was done.

When Charles sent me the video footage, I had him contact trustworthy individuals I can consult about Lee's condition. A neurologist, a psychologist, and someone from the police department. Charles already talked to the director, so he readily suggested him.

When I met him the next day, I explained Lee's situation to her.

"Is that right?" He seems unable to believe it. I handed him Lee's medical report. When he saw the content, he was persuaded.

I told him about her shooting skills, I showed him the videos with Christan and Cara's incident. I also explained Lee's reaction to it. I even bothered mentioning her reaction to wine that first night she remembered she can't drink alcohol.

"What I would like to confirm with you is if there's any possibility that she might have come from a background similar to a police officer. She could've been a police officer, a security detail, a private investigator, FBI, CIA, or even from the army. Or something else. If you analyze these incidents, which one is the most likely?"

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