42 - Oliver Taylor

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I guess thinking too much really makes you silent. Throughout the party I only stood with some men, not bothering to say anything. A few of them tried to get me into the conversation a few times, but realizing my mind isn't really at the party, they stopped at some point.

The following week, I decided I need to talk to Lee again. I was about to go for dinner when Charles knocked into my office.

"Sir..." he looked bothered and nervous.

"What?" I asked, walking towards the door.

"Ms. Lee is gone." I felt cold when he said it. Gone? What gone?

"What do you mean?" He must have realized the statement could be misunderstood.

"She no longer works at Tracy's. She's not at her apartment, either."

I want to see for myself. I went to Tracy's, looking for Lee or Aya.

"She just left. She left a letter for Tracy last night, probably her resignation. I didn't think she would just go. I can't even contact her. Her phone still rang this afternoon when I tried to call a few times. Either she turned it off or the batteries died. It's because of that woman. What were you thinking telling her about this place?" Aya was clearly annoyed and angry.

"Hold on. What woman?" I tried processing all the information she said. My hands automatically dialed for Lee's number. No ring. Just beeps. Aya's right. She either turned it off or the batteries are dead.

"The one who came here before going to a party with you. She came here every day from that one. She would go and sit on your booth. She's sweet that first night, but she's fussy and annoying the rest of the time. Lee hated seeing her on that booth."

I can only think of mom. Why can't she simply accept Lee for me? I see what Lee meant, that even my own family doesn't approve of her. I should talk to mom.

"Do me a favor. Call me when you're able to contact her, alright?" I told Aya. I had to check her apartment as well. Nothing. Charles contacted the owner for me, and he said she paid the rent for the rest of the month and vacated it last night. Where would she go during the night?

I decided I should talk to mom. I told Charles to contact Sara as well, and explicitly told her she's no longer welcome at Tracy's or at Taylor Industries.

"What did you do?" I asked mom as soon as I saw her on her living room.

"What do you mean?" she asked. I stood a few feet from her. I'm glad dad's not here.

"You drove Lee away, why?" I directly asked.

"I've never asked you for anything, just this once. Accept Lee for me, would you? And leave her alone. You're one of the people I should be able to count on to protect her as I do. Why can't you?"

"Haven't you learned anything from Tanya?" mom asked calmly, though I can tell she's rattled as well.

"Tanya's not Lee. And I'm not Christan. Did you drive Tanya away as well?"

"That girl always wants to go. I didn't need to drive her away. She did that herself."

"And yet you didn't protect her either. She's family. You should've protected her from anyone who said anything negative about her. Instead, you just let them say whatever they want to say. It's like you gave them permission."

She suddenly stood up, enraged. "How dare you?"

"Didn't you?" I asked back.

"Don't set me up with another woman. I hope you can accept Lee. And if you have nothing good to say about her, I would appreciate if you can at least say nothing. And if you hear anyone criticize her, I hope you can at least tell them to shut up."

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