39 - Lee Smith

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Aya was mad when she came to the break room. I should finish my dinner so she can have hers.

"Why are you mad?" I asked. Aya's a bright person, she rarely gets angry. But when she does, she's spitting mad.

She huffed, exhaled, before answering, "Taylor brought a woman." Somehow that statement made my heart ache. You chose this, I told myself. You're the one who decided this. This is exactly what you want for him. To date someone better. To eventually marry someone better. Still... it hurts.

"I'm sorry." Aya hugged me. I tried to keep the tears from falling.

"He could've taken her somewhere. Why does he have to bring her here? Is he planning to make you jealous or what?" Aya rumbled on. She's right, of course. Oliver is rarely childish and immature. He wouldn't do this to me. But who am I to know? Who am I to him now? No one.

I steeled myself. I had to do my job in two minutes. Break's over. I decided to take a peek for now, better to prepare myself. I know Aya's watching me. I breathed out a sigh.

"Who is it? Do you know?" She asked.

"It's Cara. His sister." I don't know why I feel relieved when I should be disappointed. He should start dating someone. But... I would appreciate it if he wouldn't bring his new girl to Tracy's. All my good memories here would be ruined if that happens.

That same night, after shift, I was frightened. I thought someone was stalking me, but it turned out to be him. He didn't come closer and he didn't say anything. It's as if we're just walking together, like we used to. I was frustrated at him and at myself. How are we supposed to move on like this? When I was about to open my door, I walked back to where he remained standing, keeping a safe distance.

"How would you meet someone like this?" I asked. I showed him my frustration.

"That was a mistake." He said. I didn't follow.

"What?" I asked. In just three steps, he's right in front of me.

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