23 - Lee Smith

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My first impression after my first conversation with a group of ladies was... I haven't heard so much bullshit in just one night, in only an hour.

Oliver excused himself to talk to someone about business. He left me at a table, then ladies flocked to it to start questioning me. Mostly, they keep talking among themselves. They would pose a question and the conversation that follows is lengthy. Like this first question.

"Hi, my name is Helen." The others followed suit to introduce themselves. I don't remember everyone. There's Rica, or Riza, Valerie, Winona, something that starts with Y, and an I.

"What's your name?"

"The name's Lee Smith." I figured I have to be polite.

They were silent for a few seconds when they heard my name.

"Right, Lee Smith. It's a unique name. Any relation to the Lees?"

I raised an eyebrow. "It's my first name. The surname's Smith."

They chuckled. Some openly laughed. It appears like a good conversation is going.

"Right. I saw you with Oliver Taylor earlier. Is he your date?"

"Yes." Then they went on to introduce who their dates were. It went on and on that they even revealed the companies those men are running or working at. There's a lot of chatter. To my ears, it all sounded like a competition.

"So, how did you two meet? Do you work at Taylor Industries?" Someone asked.

"Oliver usually have dinner at the restaurant I work at. I'm a waitress." I already knew this type of conversation would take place, and I had to intention of dodging the questions or making things up.

"No way."

"That can't be right." They all have expressions of disbelief. They voiced all of it. I can only try to see Oliver from the crowd.

They moved on to speak among their group, not even minding that I'm right there. Some of them tried to ask me if I was really a waitress. It would seem that they think I'm just joking or pulling their leg.

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