5 - Lee Smith

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Oliver's offer is really tempting. A vacation. I haven't had one since I woke up from the hospital. It was always working to survive each day. I looked at the envelope again. One grand. This is good for a month, but I can't stay away from work for too long or I won't have work to go back to.

"Until the weekend, then." I accepted, keeping the money safe on my purse.

He has his own car, black, a model vaguely familiar but I can't remember.

He opened the door for me and we drove in silence. At least on the first few minutes.

"You live outside the city?" I asked, looking outside at the unfamiliar route.

"Right outside. I work in the city, though. I like the peaceful surroundings in the suburb." He explained.

"Right. How long is the drive?" I'm curious, and to be honest, I haven't been outside the city since day one. Day one being the day I woke up in the hospital.

"About half an hour, you can take a nap if you like." He offered.

"I like the view. I think I'll just watch outside." I sincerely answered. I like the green trees lining the side of the road, and their swaying with the wind.

"Can I open a window?" I turned to ask Oliver.

"Of course." He opened it for me.

"Thank you."

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