37 - Lee Smith

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Over a year of dating.

There were a number of times he jokingly asked me to marry him. I treated it all as jokes. I was clear from the start that our status is hugely different. Education? Finance? Intellect?

I really don't understand what he sees. In my mind, he should find someone on his level. He's way above, while I'm so down below. The disparity is that huge.

There's also the question of my past.

After so long, I can't see where we're going. And I'm starting to lose hope. I'm starting to think it would be best if we simply part ways. Surely, he can find someone better. He deserves better.

I would admit he's the best thing to ever happen to me. It's hard to let go. I've been contemplating about it for a while now.

Memories of TomorrowNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ