25 - Lee Smith

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A couple of weeks later.

Aside from our dates every Saturday, Oliver always comes to the restaurant to send me home after my shift. Normally, he would tell me beforehand if he's going someplace for business and won't be able to show up for a few days. Today was the first time he failed to show up at Tracy's, without notice. Aya and the boys all asked me about him being absent. He didn't send me a message. Though we've exchanged phone numbers a long time ago, we haven't really communicated that way before. It's mostly face-to-face conversations. As I stare at my phone while sitting against my bed at home that night, I can't help getting worried. Was he ill? Is he not feeling well? Aside from that time we had a misunderstanding, he never missed coming to Tracy's during weekdays. Maybe he's sick? That's my main assumption. I tried thinking back on yesterday. He seemed fine, though. Maybe he's overworked? It's normal to get sick once in a while.

Ugh! I sighed. Overthinking won't do any good. Should I give him a call? Or should I simply send him a message? What would I say anyway? Why didn't you come today? Ugh. To be honest... I already felt that it's too much to ask him to keep coming every day. Not that I asked him, but still... I thought he would eventually lessen the times he would come to see me. It's been over four months already. Maybe he's starting today? No. That can't be. He would've said something yesterday. I sighed. How hard is it to send a message?

After staring at space for more than half an hour, I decided to go to sleep already. Maybe he'll show up tomorrow. If not, maybe I'll send him a message tomorrow.

It was a restless sleep that night.

The next day, I have my heart in my throat. I was jumpy every time a customer walks in. I was hoping it was him. By the time the clock turned eight, I knew he won't be coming. My friends didn't pry much and tried to assure me that he must have his reasons.

An hour after I got home that night, I finally sent him a message. I waited for half an hour before I succumbed to sleep. I didn't sleep well last night, so it was easy to fall asleep this time. When I woke up the next day, still nothing. I tried really hard not to think much. It was Saturday now. He'll show up if there's nothing going on. If he doesn't show up, that means he's truly busy with something.

After dinner, I was just browsing websites on my phone when it rang. I sat up on my bed. It was him. I exhaled before answering the call.

"Hey." I greeted.

"Hi." He replied but remained silent. I made a humming sound as a response.

After a while, he still hadn't replied.

"Are you busy with something?" I finally asked. He hummed his response.

"Are you alright?" I followed up.

"Yeah." He finally spoke again.

"You sound tired. Get some rest." I noted. The fact that he's not speaking like he normally does made me comment that way. I heard him sigh.

"I miss you." Hearing him say that made me smile, despite myself.

"You, too." My reply was almost immediate. I scratched my head.

"I'll see you as soon as I can." He promised.

"Yeah? Take your time. Rest well. Don't skip meals." I sounded like a nosy girlfriend, reminding him on how to take care of himself.

He hummed his response again. And I did the same.

"Good night, Lee."

"You, too." He didn't hang up immediately. When he did, I was finally able to relax. He did have his reasons. I'll pray for him.

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