24 - Oliver Taylor

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I probably made a mistake. I shouldn't have left her alone. All those socialites who surrounded her must have said a lot of things. I should've kept her by my side.

I approached her, then.

"Hey, excuse me, ladies." Still have to observe some manners.

"Hi." Lee looked relieved to see me. Her eyes are practically telling me to take her away.

"I have a few friends to introduce, would you like to come with?" I staged the invitation. She beamed and said yes. She excused herself from everyone.

As soon as we walked a few meters away, her beaming expression collapsed.

"Don't ever do that again." She expressed sternly.

"Got it." I offered my arm to her as we navigate towards some of my business colleagues. They did notice Lee earlier and were asking me to introduce her.

Unlike the ladies, they were more open to personally know her, asking questions and allowing her to answer without making her feel like a lowly being. I already warned them earlier not to embarrass her. Lee's such an honest soul, not even hiding the fact that she's just a waitress. She did give me an apologetic look as she answered that question about her job. Not at all pretentious.

The boys already grilled me with questions earlier about her. Some of them expressed concern. Some were supportive, leaving the decision to me seeing as it's my life and they really have nothing to concern themselves about me. Some were asking if I'm serious about not using marriage as an opportunity to strengthen my economic standing and that of my company as well. I should marry an heiress, or at least a company owner as well, they say. I just stared at Lee as she fielded questions. Only the movements of her hands on my arm told me how she's actually feeling. She's smart. There was no need for me to block any one's questions.

"Do you have any plans of working at Oliver's company?" Someone still asked.

Lee turned to me with her smile. I returned it to her.

"We've talked about it. I'm not yet that confident." She answered.

"Why don't you give it a try? You'll learn on the job, anyway."

"I don't want to embarrass him. If I'm not prepared, I'll probably be tricked into messing up. I've been studying for now."

"That's an idea. What are you studying? Are you attending school?"

"No. Self-study. Random stuff. Whatever my brain can absorb about business and management." She turned to me again. This time, her smile is almost gone. There's only so much she can handle.

"I think you guys already asked too much. Give her a break." I stated. The guys mostly understood.

"Excuse us for a moment." I withdrew from the group and guided her towards a table. She didn't want to let go when I tried to leave her for a moment.

"I'll just order us some food. You must be starving. I am, anyway." I assured her.

"How long?" Somehow, her expression gripped my heart. I leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead.

"I won't be long. Give me five minutes?" I told her, and she reluctantly nodded.

When I returned, two couples have joined her on the table. I recognized them but I wasn't that acquainted. I greeted them as I sat down beside Lee.

They were all pleasant. Lee managed to converse with them. The ladies were talking about the issues of being married and how they manage the house while helping their husbands with other issues. The men were mostly talking about business, involving me with their discussions from time to time.

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