Chapter Forty Eight

Start from the beginning

"Well I asked the actress and she said no."

"And that's supposed to make me feel better?!"

"Eleanor just put on the damn dress!" Dean all but snatches it and throw's the heavy black material at me.

The glare I send back could have made Dean burst into flames. My fingers clenching aggressively around the material. "Fine", I growl shoving my shoulder into Dean as I storm off to change in the kitchen.

My clothes are thrown harshly against the metal benchtop I pull up the dress and struggle with the zip. Not because I couldn't reach but because I literally cannot stop the shake of my hands. Demons, Djin, Pagan Gods- throw them at me. Creepy children are just a no-go. Something so innocent shouldn't be murderous and creepy. They're right up there with dolls. Something so beautiful should not be twisted up into something monstrous. It's just wrong.

Hearing his footsteps I ignore Dean as he weaves around the cooktops, "I don't need your help."

Rolling his eyes, Dean leans against the counters across from me "Could've fooled me. You've been hiding in here a while."

"Well I'm putting on the damn dress", I snap frustratedly, covering up the shake of my voice "Isn't that what you wanted?" Whatever Dean wanted to say he swallows it down like a bitter pill. Instead, he folds his arms defensively as I continue to struggle with my grasp on the zipper. "This plan is so dumb", I grumble shaking my head "So bloody dumb. Dumber than an unscented hand soap kind of dumb."

It's quiet for a long moment, "You're struggling with that."

"I'm not struggling."

"You look like your struggling."

"Then stop looking!"

Deeply, Dean exhales a frustrated breath. Pushing off the counter, Dean motions for me to turn as he round the cabinet "People in here don't have all night so turn the hell around before I make you." I have half a mind to flip him off I would have if his point wasn't a good one. Scooping my hair over one shoulder, I grit my teeth as Dean addresses the zipper on my back. Maintaining my composure when his hands accidentally graze my skin dragging it up. With the zipper gliding up my neck, I suddenly feel as if I cannot breathe. The fright strangles me as I loosely tug at the high lace collar. Releasing a shaky breath I step away from Dean's comforting proximity and begin fiddling with my hair. Managing it into the similar bun the actress had. I say similar because I only have my reflection in a microwave to work with. "I've got your back El", Dean gently voices, my chest continuing to rise and fall unsteadily as I panic "I promise."

"I know." Releasing a constricted breath, I try to calm my erratically pounding heart "Let's go ice some raging children."

Returning to the lobby I furrow my brows at the sight of the men who had accompanied Dean and Sam to the cemetery. Both look about as frightened as I, however, they still manage to stand tall. If anything, that pushes me to quell the terror gripping my bones. "What's the gang doing here?" Dean questions Sam as we approach.

Beating Sam to it, Faux Dean voices "We're here to help."

"Awesome", I'm quick to interject "Either of you wanna wear the dress?"

"So", Dean interjects, cutting off any chance of them actually agreeing "With two extra bodies what's our plan?"

"I'll take them and work on the doors", Sam nods to the lobby's back door "You and El go upstairs. See if you can bring them out and distract them long enough that we can slip out."

Watching the trio for a long moment I feel myself weighing up the possibility of a better plan. My life literally hangs on these guys salting and torching their bones. "Well", I try to excuse the shake in my voice "I am a rather distracting personality."

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