Chapter 24 - Lacey

Start from the beginning

Shaking my head, I sit down beside him and open my textbook. A couple of hours pass in companionable silence as we study, and then suddenly, loud music starts from the pool house. Rolling my eyes, I get up and peer out the window. I am not surprised to see Ryder and the guys in swim shorts drinking around the edge of the pool surrounded by ditzy cheerleaders. Nightmare by Slush Puppy revibrates through the walls. Lawson looks up, a frown on his face until he spots me and then a huge grin lights it up, and he waves. I tentatively wave back, wondering what his game is since he has done nothing but ignore me all week. Saint notices what he is doing, whispering something in his ear to make his face drop once more, and he turns around, giving me his back. Ok then, I think. I can't hate Lawson; it doesn't seem like he is happy to be ignoring me, but whatever. I can't help but wonder if he would jump off a bridge if Ryder told him to. It seemed like they all followed him blindly.

The one that stung the most was Saint. After the moment we shared the other night, I foolishly thought that I meant something to him, that what we had shared was special. I guess not. I'm still staring out the window several minutes later when a warm hand lands on my lower back. I don't bother turning around, my eyes glued to Ryder and Lyndsay while they make out in the pool. The sight making me angry and sick at the same time. I knew it was wrong for me to love my stepbrother like that in the first place, but silly me had still somehow fallen for him in the short time I had got to know him.

"I'm sorry, Lacey. Ryder is being an asshat," Matt retorts angrily, observing what is going on below us. A lone tear escapes my eye, along with a quiet sob. How did my life go from things finally going my way to shit in the blink of an eye? Why was life testing me so much? It wasn't fair. I didn't deserve all the bullshit I have had to endure over the years. When another sob leaves my mouth without my permission Matt turns towards me and engulfs me in a huge bear hug; I don't hesitate to wrap my arms around his large frame and bury my face in his chest. I allow myself to cry in his embrace for several minutes and then pull away from him, feeling stupid for my moment of weakness in front of him.

"It will be ok, Lacey. Whatever you need, just let me know, and I will be there for you. I can't stand seeing the pain in your eyes. Even though I haven't known you very long, I know that I would do anything for you," Matt says with reverence. He places a soft kiss on my forehead before letting me go and returning to the desk, continuing with the assignment we had just started to work on. "Thanks Matt" I reply, genuinely thankful for his support.

Glancing out the window, I catch Saint looking at me, and boy, if looks could kill, I would be dead right now, judging by the furious expression he is wearing. He narrows his eyes at me and then storms off towards the pool house. I guess that even though the guys don't want to know me, they are still extremely jealous of me being around anyone else. Typical macho bullshit. Well, fuck them. They have made it more than obvious that they no longer want anything to do with me and have proven so far just how cruel they can be when you fall out of favour with them.

Deep down, I know they must still care in a fucked up way, or they wouldn't be trying to hurt me by parading around with skanks, trying to get under my skin. And fuck me if it wasn't hurting. Bad. Just the thought of Ryder being with Lyndsay made me furious. I wanted to kill her and punch Ryder in the nut sack so badly. Death was certainly coming for that cunt. If she thought she could set me up to be raped and film it and get away with it, she was dead wrong. Not only that, but she was also fucking delusional. It may not happen straight away like Dane had wanted; no, I would bide my time and strike when she least expected it. I hoped the asshole slept with one eye open, wondering when I would retaliate. When she least expects it, I will take her out. I realise I am still staring at Ryder when a smirk crosses his face; I flip him the bird and go back to studying. Thankful that Matt was happy to let me brood in silence.

After Matt leaves, I have a quick shower and jump into bed. It is after 10 Pm, but Ryder's party is still raging below, and I struggle to fall asleep. Stupid asshole, I grumble. It is a school night. I try to get comfortable and fail miserably, my head starting to pound with the heavy bass that thumps outside. I drift off around midnight when the music stops, thankful that I might get some much-needed sleep.

No sooner had my eyes closed than there was a thumping noise in the hallway followed by hushed voices. "Shhhh, Lawson, you will wake baby girl up", Ryder growls, making Lawson laugh out loud. "Come on guys, time for bed," West says as my bedroom door starts to creak open. What the ever-loving hell is going on. I am too stunned to breathe and just lay in my bed pretending to be asleep, hoping that they will go away. I can hear dragging noises getting closer to my bed and peek out of one eye, the whole Brady bunch is here, and they are dragging blankets behind them. They are slurring and stumbling over each other, so it is safe to assume they are all drunk and have forgotten that they hate me for the minute.

Whatever, I think. I am too tired to give a flying fuck right now. Saint, West and Lawson make themselves comfortable around my bed and are asleep in minutes, soft snores filling my room. Lawson reaches for me in his sleep, his hand fumbling around the side of the bed for me. I intend to ignore him until he whines, "I miss you so much kitten", in a choking voice that it breaks my heart, and I reach for his hand and take it in mine, a content moan falling from his lips, he is out like the dead in seconds. Seemingly content now that he has a connection to me. I want to hate him but can't bring myself to.

I momentarily forget that Ryder is also in the room until I feel my bed dip behind me and warm arms wrap around my waist, tugging me into his solid and completely naked body. I try to pull away. Being in his arms is just too much after what he has put me through this last week. Out of all the guys, he was the one that was being the absolute worst, and he had to know what being with Lyndsay would do to me. His actions were killing me, just how he intended.

"Ryder", I whisper, hoping not to wake the others up. "Shhhh, baby girl", he slurs, drunk off his ass. "Just let me hold you. I'm going to kill Matt and Dane for touching what's mine," he continues, nuzzling into my hair and holding me so tight it is almost painful. "Ryder", I hiss, hoping to get through his drunk fuelled haze. "Not now, baby girl. I need my beauty sleep," he giggles. That's right, he fucking giggles. What the fuck. I give up trying to talk to Ryder, and his snores mingle with those of his friends in no time. Tonight has been weird as fuck, but instead of thinking too hard about it, I let myself give in to sleep.

The following day I was not surprised to find my bedroom empty. I start to believe that it may have been a dream or a nightmare; however, you want to look at it until I find a crumpled note under my pillow when making my bed before I get ready for school. I hesitantly open it. It has one line written in messy handwriting from Lawson; I'm sorry you fucked up. I still love you though and miss you like a crackhead misses their next hit xoxox. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. The message is so typical Lawson, it makes my heartache for the silly boy.

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