Chapter 4 - Lacey

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I spend the next two days being carried around the school by Ryder's dick of a friend Lawson. Sure, he is hot, but shit is he not helping me fit in. All the girls here have decided that I am public enemy number one and I have not had a single second to myself to try and attempt to make any friends, let alone talk to anyone outside of my new step brothers circle of friends. The Queen Bee of the school, Lyndsay, especially hates me. Her and all of her cheer leader friends. Every time she tries to sit at the table with the guys at lunch time Lawson tells her to fuck off. If looks could kill I would be a dead woman at least a dozen times a day. The shoulder checks in the hallway and whispering in class add to my hatred of the attention Ryder and his friends have shone on me. It is like a beacon calling all females. Speak of the devil and they shall appear it seems. Fuck my life.

"Hey slut" Lyndsay sneers as she approaches me in the hallway with her possie of haughty friends in tow, all dressed in their matching cheer leader dresses. If you can call them dresses anyway, they are so indecently exposed it isn't funny. They might as well be wearing belts and nipple stickers. I guess the effect they are going for. Closing my locker, I turn on my heel to try and make a quick getaway. I know how to take care of myself and usually don't shy away from a fight, but I am done with always having to defend myself. I just want to fly under the radar and finish school. Is that too much to fucking ask I wonder. In my haste I run straight into a hard wall of pure muscle, embarrassingly knocking myself onto my ass in the hallway in front of everyone. Red creeps up my chest and instantly heats my cheeks, a hand extends in front of my face, and I take it without bothering to look who offered it as Lyndsay once again claims my attention with her nasally, whiney voice. "Careful where you are going trash" she sneers in my face, her cheer squad goading her on behind her. Whoever helped me up has not let go of my hand and is holding on with a death grip, turning around I come face to face with Matt from Math class. Staring up into his handsome face I mumble a thanks and turn to leave once more, ready to be done with this whole shit show. I don't have time for this bullshit today I think, as far as I am concerned, I have done nothing to warrant their behavior towards me.

Before I can move away from the drama and away from Matt's looming presence, his large, warm hand still in mine he is suddenly ripped away from me and for the second time today I am on my ass in front of everyone yet again. Seconds later Matt is on the ground with me with a very pissed off Lawson on top of him, raining blow after blow down on Matt while he tries desperately to shield his face. "What the fuck Lawson" Matt grits out, trying desperately to defend himself. "Don't. Ever. Touch. My. Lace. Again" Lawson bellows back. Getting to my feet I stare at the sight before me, lost for actual words. Beside me the cheer leaders are all shrieking, apart from Lyndsay. Lyndsay has her signature sneer of disgust on her face and is glaring daggers at me. Once again none of this is my fault but somehow Ryder's friends have made sure I will always be public enemy number one. Getting to my feet I notice Ryder, Saint and West shoulder barging people as they make their way down the hallway towards us, people scattering left and right at their presence. This place is ridiculous, everybody treats them like they are gods.

Not wanting to stick around and paint an even bigger target on my back I grab my backpack and head in the opposite direction of Ryder and his friends, desperately wanting to get away from Lawson and his crazy ass possessive behavior. I have asked him more than once since meeting him not to manhandle me and to leave me alone. I would have preferred to have been a shadow at Saint Gabrieles and not on the radar of every female that attends it. Just as I am about to open the door to attend Math with Mr Marone I squeal as I am lifted clean off my feet. Rolling my eyes into my head, I don't even have to take a stab in the dark at who has me. "Put me down Lawson. I am not a toy that you can carry around, nor do I want to be carried around by you" I huff in exasperation. No matter how many times I tell Lawson to quit touching me he seems to take it as an invitation to do it more.

LaceyWhere stories live. Discover now