Chapter 5 - Lacey

Start from the beginning

Rolling my eyes at the picture I ignore its presence for the moment, I open my texts to see what West has replied to Matt's text. As soon as I read it my jaw hits the floor and I see red.

Lacey: Can't see you tomorrow night. Washing my hair. Fuck off.

"Was your reply to Matt really necessary West" I enquire, I swear if I was a cartoon right now they would see the steam coming out of my ears. Going back into my texts I notice straight away that someone, no guessing who, has replied to my missed text messages from Dane also and has replied with a dick pic of their own. I nearly choke when I see it, sure my face is bright as a beetroot. "I don't even want to know who thought it would be funny to reply to Dane. Assholes". I fume. On closer inspection I notice that the peen is bloody huge. Like an anaconda. Fancy too with jewelry at the end. "You're welcome" Lawson deadpans. "These guys need to know that you are mine". Sighing, I hit dial on Dane's number, he answers on the first ring. "Everything ok babe" he enquires, though he sounds flat. Of course, he does when apparently, I sent him a picture of someone else's penis. One I am apparently quote "riding now" unquote. "Hey Dane. I'm sorry, some jerk from School took my phone and thought it was funny to reply to my text messages. I have handled the situation now though. How was your day. I miss you" To be honest I miss him so much; I wish we had never been separated. It was either that or continue to lose a part of myself daily though. I had to remember the reason why I left and why I had to be strong. "I miss you too babe. I wish I was with you right now" he replies with a soft sigh. I switch the call to facetime and move away from the guys, wanting to see Dane's handsome face. Much to the annoyance of the guys crowding behind me, trying to pry on my private conversation. "Do you guys' mind" I say, turning to give them my best fuck off stare. They return my glare. "Hang on Dane, I am going to head up to my room so that we can talk in private".

Taking the steps two at a time it doesn't take me long to reach my room, locking the door behind me. "Sorry about that" I apologize, hating to see the look on Dane's face when he seen the four boys behind me. "Not going to lie Lacey, I am a tad jealous that you live with those guys. I mean they are not exactly ugly" Dane says with a hurt look on his face. "I only live with one of them, the other three are his friends. I don't know what their problem is, I am so sorry that they sent you that picture" I reply, embarrassed that they would do such a childish thing. "One of them sent that pic?" Dane questions "I'm going to kick their asses when I find out which one" He grumbles. "The douche is huge". "Dane" I squeal in disbelief. "What? The thought of you there with those guys and their big dicks makes me jealous". I blink at Dane several times. "Dane, I have told you a million times, you should be dating. Not waiting on me. I don't want to hold you back from finding true love. I don't know when we will see each other again" I reply sadly, knowing that I love him so much that it hurts to encourage him to be with someone else. But I am not selfish, I don't expect him to wait for me and know that he would have half the girls in town chasing him now that I was no longer in the picture. He is so good looking; I would never expect him to stay single just because I had feelings for him. No matter how much it hurt me.

"Lacey, please don't" Dane replies, running his hand over the stubble on his chiseled jaw. "Don't what Dane? Want what is best for you? I will never not want what is best for you" I choke out, willing myself not to cry. "Christmas is only a few months away; I am saving to come and see you. We will make this work. Make us work. There is no one else for me babe. You are it. My everything". At his words the tears start to slide down my cheeks. "Don't cry Lacey. I mean it" he continues, his own eyes clouding over. I blurt out a quick goodbye and hang up the phone. A few seconds later my phone dings in my hand with a text from Dane.

Dane: Please don't shut me out babe. I can't live without you xoxo

I feel like shit leaving his text on read but I am too emotionally exhausted to reply right now so I toss my phone on my bed and lay down, curling myself into the fetal position that I know so well.

LaceyWhere stories live. Discover now