Chapter 2 - Ryder

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Making my way back out to the party I spot Lawson sitting in a dark corner, a blunt between his fingers. "What's up" he asks as I approach. "My dick ten seconds ago" I say as I snatch the blunt off him and inhale deeply. "Lyndsay" he enquires, blowing smoke rings in my face as he exhales. "Yep. The one and only" I reply drly. "You going to hit that tonight" I ask, taking another hit from the joint. "Nope, I am going celibate until I marry your new sister. I have a good feeling about her man" he deadpans, Lawson the fucker is crazy. I never know if he is shitting me or not so I just laugh at his declaration and pass the blunt back to him. "You haven't even met her yet bro" I say jokingly, his interest in Lacey pissing me off but I couldn't pinpoint why. I had never met her yet had already decided that I didn't like her nor want her in my house let alone my life. "I just have a feeling that she is going to be mine, so I am not sticking my cock in any more whores. I want to save my energy for when I claim her anyway". Rolling my eyes hard, I decide it is better to not question Lawson. If he wants to claim Lacey, so be it. He can. With that thought I push away from the fence "Tell the others I have gone home and will see them Monday at School" I call out over my shoulder as I slink away into the darkness. Living close by has its perks I think to myself as I walk the short distance home.

Walking up the front steps of my house I can't help but notice a small pair of black converse shoes sitting on the porch. So, it seems Lacey had managed to make it here after all I think almost guiltily. Fuck it. I didn't do guilt. She obviously made her way here just fine by the looks of it. I check the time on my phone as I scroll through the tagged pictures of me on Instagram from the holidays and realise that it is quite late, or early which ever way you wanted to look at it. It was just after 2am and but I was suddenly curious to see what Lacey looked like. Curious and all that shit. I bet she looked like a toad. Taking my shoes off I pad silently up the stairs and then down the long hall to where my mother has put Lacey in one of the guest bedrooms on my level of the house. I wasn't happy that she would be so close to my room but supposed if she kept out of my way, I wouldn't have a problem. Being a total creeper, I quietly listen at her door for signs that she is asleep, waiting a few minutes and then slowly turn the doorknob, letting myself in. The first thing I notice when I open the door and move silently towards the small body curled in the middle of the bed is that she has fallen asleep on top of the blankets with a side lamp on, clutching a tattered photo of herself with two younger girls in her small hand. Hmm I didn't know she had any siblings. Not that I ever cared to enquire about Lacey or her mundane existence. I take my time looking over every inch of her body as she sleeps. Lacey is short with toned legs, a small waist and big tits. She stirs in her sleep, a moan escaping her as she readjusts her position on the bed. As she shifts, the nightie she is wearing rises high on her thighs showing off her prefect ass wrapped in sexy black lace. My cock starts to throb inside my jeans at the sight before me and I have to adjust myself before it starts to become painful. Lacey shifts once more pulling her outside leg up higher in her sleep, allowing me to catch a glimpse of a large tattoo high on her ass check, DANE. Who the fuck is that I growl. Does she have a boyfriend I wonder, the idea infuriating me for some unknown reason.

By the time I stop staring at her delectable body my breath is stolen from me, I can't breathe. Either that or I need to stop holding my damn breath. Breathe Ryder, I scold myself. Lacey is your stepsister. But holy fuck is she gorgeous. Silky, smooth black hair that reaches her ass, pretty button nose and full pouty lips that are currently slightly parted as she sleeps. Biting my fist to suppress a moan I hastily left her room, silently closing the door behind me. There is no way in hell I am letting the guys come over to the house tomorrow that's for sure. No, I want to be a selfish fuck and have Lacey all to myself. Even if it is just for one day. Hurrying back to my room I whip my clothes off and head straight into the bathroom, I either need a cold shower or to revert to being a pathetic teen jerking off in the shower. Over my stepsister no less. Geez, what is wrong with me. She is supposed to be family. Fuck it I thought, choosing to jerk off anyway while the picture of her was still fresh in my mind.

By the time I crawl out of bed the following morning I find my mother and Robert sitting at the breakfast table talking quietly amongst themselves. "Good morning, Ryder" Mum says, getting up to place a kiss on my forehead like I am still a freaking child. "Morning" I mumble as I reach for the pot of coffee. Lord knows, I can't function without at least two cups of coffees to start my day. Just as I sit down to join them Robert turns in his chair "And here she is. Good morning, Lacey. Sorry that I was unable to collect you yesterday" he says apologetically as he rises from his seat to engulf her in a huge bear hug. Weirdly, Lacey stiffens in his arms and awkwardly pats his back. It's like a train wreck, I can't look away. "It's ok" she shyly responds in a small, sweet voice. Fuck her voice alone has my cock twitching in my sweatpants. Sweeping my eyes over her has my cock fully erect quicker than I thought possible. Lacey is wearing ripped jeans that hug her heart shaped ass with a holy band tee tied at her hip with her hair in a messy bun. I try to hide my groan in my coffee cup but know I'm not successful when Lacey's eyes met mine and she raises an eyebrow in question. Thankfully my mother saves me from dying with embarrassment by holding her hand out to her in greeting. "Hi" My mother says sweetly. "Oh, sorry darling. Lacey this is my wife Megan" Robert hastily introduces them, releasing Lacey to wrap his arm around my mother's shoulders. "Pleased to meet you, Megan. Thank you for letting me stay here with you" Lacey replies shyly, tucking a lock of her raven hair behind her ear. Fuck did everything this chick do have to be so damn seductive. "It's our pleasure Lacey, please make yourself at home. I am so sorry but your father and I have a few errands to attend to this morning in the city. We are going to have to leave you in the very capable hands of my son, Ryder, to help you settle in" My mother has a genuine smile on her face as she speaks to her new stepdaughter. Go figure, I think she likes what she sees so far too. "That's ok. Thanks again" Lacey replies as Robert and my mother place their breakfast dishes in the sink, leaving the two of us alone. I watch as Lacey takes a deep breath, squares her little shoulders and walks over to where I am standing at the kitchen counter, her petite hand outstretched in greeting. Girls got balls; I will give her that. And manners for trailer trash it would seem. "Hi Ryder, I'm Lacey" she says as she places her small hand inside if mine. Not noticing that I had even offered mine in return. Looking down at the point of connection between us a sigh escapes my lips as I run my thumb over her smooth skin, not realising what I am doing until Lacey suddenly jerks her hand out of mine. Turning away from her quickly to hide the confusion in my eyes I gruffly ask her if she wants breakfast. Being polite and shit. "Just a coffee please, I don't usually eat breakfast" she replies. For some unknown reason the thought of her not eating breakfast pisses me off so after I have finished preparing her coffee the way she likes it, one sugar and milk, I place a bagel slathered with cream cheese in front of her and dare her with my eyes to reject it. To my surprise and utter delight she eats it without a fight. Good, Lacey is tiny and looked as though she wasn't used to eating much. Was her mother really that bad of a parent I wondered angrily. It kind of made me mad at Robert for leaving her in such a shitty situation. After breakfast I spend the rest of the day trying to get to know my new stepsister, it was hard work though as she seemed closed off and only answered questions when asked, never offering anything willingly about herself. Not that it deterred me at all, on the contrary I would make it my mission now to find out every single little thing about this beautiful young woman that is now living in my house. The thought makes me smile. Now to beat up any male that dares to look her way at school tomorrow I groan, my friends included. Fuck, anyone would think I was pissing on Lacey to mark her as mine. Which I totally wasn't, I lie to myself.

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