Arthit stiffens instantly, his fingers fisting under the table as he hears the unsaid affection in that single word. He wanted to bash his best friend's head for calling his assistant with the nick name. Monsters of jealousy and possessiveness nearly choking him but he does his best to not let the other witness the change of his aura and waits for the military official to complete himself.

"....he is the only one night stand of mine with whom I had not slept actually"

Arthit sighs as soon as Amarin finished speaking. He had not realized that he had not been breathing the entire time. Green devil sobbing in the corner as the actor buries it deep in the black abyss. The actor raised his head and watches a wistful expression on Amarin's face.

The soldier faces the actor, a self depreciating chuckle slipping past the pink lips," Shocking, ain't it? Me, having one night stand without actually getting into the pants of other person?"

The actor remains silent. Nor agreeing neither disagreeing with the later. He has known Amarin since his kinderrgarten days. Amarin is an orphan. He has no memory of his birth parents and is adopted by his uncle. The couple were not blessed with a kid of their own despite all their efforts. Amarin always been a happy kid, a too goody shoe. Always standing against wrong without any fear. He is the same age as Arthit which led to them having a bonding over things. They spent all their life in the same neighbourhood till his uncle's death. But after passing away of their uncle during their senior year, Amarin left with his aunt who decided to move in with her family.

Arthit still remember the last time he had seen his best friend having that kind of expresion. He can never forget that night when he has seen his always strong friend crying rivers, a few months before the death of his uncle. Only then the actor came to know about his cousin as well as best friend's long time feelings for their home room teacher. Arthit was shocked when he came to know that not only his cousin was harbouring feelings for the person who is about a decade older than him but has already gone and confessed. Witnessing the sobs of his friend, Arthit lost the gut to pry  about the answer and concluded that the guy has been rejected by the elder but much to his surprise, he came to know about the resignation of same teacher the very next day. After that, his sweet and care free friend turned into someone stranger. Late night parties, sleeping around, getting involve in fist fights, falling of grades.....Arthit always blamed his teacher for the condition of his cousin. Only when Amarin's foster father passed away, the guy pulled himself up and gathered all his shits. He dropped out of school and started doing part time jobs to help his mother. And then one day they moved away.

They remained in touch through letters and mails. He got to know that the other has gotten a GED and is preparing to join military. By that time, Arthit has joined his father and is learning the ropes of business under the guidance of his mentor. When the actor has been sent to the jail under false accusation, his cousin has come as his life saviour. He took Arthit and his family with him and settled them in his home. That was the last he had seen of the guy as just after that he was deployed. More than 2 years has passed since then.

"hey!! where are you lost to?",

Arthit looks up, his thoughts of past breaking at the snap of fingers and shakes his head," nothing"

"So, you guys never hooked up? why?"

Amarin gives him a secretive smile, his eyes crinkling," weell! I can't tell you about that. It won't be fair to your assistant"


Feeling other's presence, the actor whirls, ready to yell at his assistant for taking so much time, but words died on his tongue. His throat parched, watching the younger one. His assistant doesn't need to dress formally like him. Yet the other is doning a perfect black tuxedo over a white dress shirt and bow tie, tailored pants, delvy shoes, appearing the prince charming he has always been throughout his life. Unlike other days, the golden streaks are well combed and styled to the side and swept back giving way to the wide forehead. Highlighting the pointed cheekbones and chisled jawline. The younger one is looking like a walking wet dream and Arthit could not help but imagine himself fending off the hungry suitors who would surely fawn over his husband.

"Can I?", the actor shakes out of his thoughts on how his evening is going to get ruined playing a bodyguard for his assistant. He gazes up and meets the honey eyes asking for permission. The actor gives a short nod, giving the green signal.

Arthit can't help but bask in the soothing at the same time alluring smell coming off the other person. It is not the everyday musky with hints of spicy cinnamon smell. It is entirely different one.

Kongpob works attentively on the articulate folding of the tie, mentally going through all the steps he has learnt from his father but was failing miserably. It is easy for him to tie the silky fabric for own self but whenever it comes to tying it for others, he mess up horribly , the way he is doing at the moment.

"I am sorry. I'll try again. Just a minute",the young man flustered, seeing the tie which is ending just before it stands, dangling between the muscled breastbones of later.

The actor closes his eyes, fisting his hands to control himself from doing something stupid like pinching the reddened cheeks. The younger one is looking so cute and adorable and much much younger than his current age, urging the elder to keep him in his pocket.

Kongpob takes the quiet from other as acceptance and pulled open the Knots, before sliding it out of later's neck and wrapping it around his own. "It would be quick this way", he mumbled feeling eyes on him and fastened his fingers and in no time, the tie is ready.

He takes off the tie of him and raises his head and stills finds the other gazing back at him with an emotion foreign to him. There is a slight difference between their heights but at the moment kongpob feels so small in comparison to the other person. To put the tie around the actor's neck, he raises on his toes, bringing their faces inexplicably closer, their gaze colliding like two unstoppable force and time stood still for Arthit. He can't help but study the golden ring around the iris, giving a more rich colour to the brown orbs, making them look much more deeper than usual. Like the other has casted some kind of spell, Arthit could not look away, enchanted beyond words.

Kongpob feels a buzzing inside him, a warm tingling followed by a wave of coolness. Like something is crawling inside him, burrowing deeper into him, making a home. And the longer he looks in the depths of hazel, the more he feel uncontrollable. He can't help but admire the more than perfect facial features of his boss. The elder is looking like a model walked straight out of a fashion show. Dark, thick, nearly shaped eyebrows, small cutely straight nose, delicate like flower petals lips glistening with a natural red and fleshy pink, a pointy chin, define and sculpted jawline, highly prominent cheekbones. Kongpob can understand why whole Thailand goes gaga whenever this male appears on screen. He can see the appeal here. If not for their dark past and Kongpob being exposed to the gorgeous human for whole of his life, there might had been a chance of him falling for other's look.

The assistant drops his eyes, breaking the eye contact as well as the trance they were in. Placing the tie over the head of the fair skin man, sliding them down as they finally loops around the actor's neck, Kongpob starts to work on the silk piece. Grabbing the edges of the white collar, he smoothes it out, and pinches the knot within his thumb and index while finger on other hand gets busy in pulling at the other end.

Kongpob gasped, when a hand settles down left side of his waist, his movement stuttering as the heat from the hand seeps inside the layerings of clothes.

"Faster. We are getting late",the actor murmured in younger one's ear, fondly watching the tips of ear turning red, a smug grin lifting up his lips.

"A..oh..oh I am sorry",Kongpob apologises, not even knowing why is he seeking forgiveness from other. He is feeling heady with the all too consuming scent coming from the other male. Mentally giving a shake to himself, he concentrates on his task in hand and in no seconds, he is smoothing out the collar of latter, patting the sides, removing invisible crinks,"there , it is done"

The assistant's breath hitches when buttery skin grazes his cheeks as his boss bents and whispers a thank you in his ear. The simple gesture seems very intimate for some reason.

" welcome",Arthit ignores the wave of disappointment when the other step away, distancing their bodies.

"I'll be waiting",Kongpob bows his head before getting out, doing his best to not all but run from the other as the pumping organ planted inside his body is jack hammering continuously. He feels blood rushing to his ears and is not liking a bit of this alien reactions.


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