Hooked up?

454 35 8

A filler


Kongpob taps the back of his knuckles against the wooden frame," are you ready boss?"

"Come inside", a voice replies.

The young man gets himself into the room and catches reflection of his boss's lean and tall frame in the mirror, at the moment looking frustrated and annoyed struggling with the silk fabric draped around his neck.

"What are you waiting for? Help me", Arthit barked, cursing whosoever is responsible for this freaking dress code. He just fucking hate everything related to ties....unless it's within the darkness of night enclosed in the intimate setting of his bedroom.

He hears the slow steps of other person, approaching him cautiously like he is a tiger ready to pounce and kill him, which to an extent is right. He is still not able to digest the half cooked information supplied to him by Amarin....he is my only almost one night stand..

"What??", Arthit yelled, startling the other person.

"Oh god!! You scared me there",Amarin complained, clutching his chest.

Both of them are having a late brunch, sitting comfortably in the living room. Kongpob has gone out to meet Sia as it's his day off.

The actor takes a long gulp of his cold coffee, to cool off his insides seething in rage. He closes his eyes but snaps it open when a vision of his husband resting in embrace of Amarin unfurls.

Clasping the handle, he keeps his eyes fixed at the liquid sloshing in the cup and asks, doing his best to sound even and not at all bothered and angry which he is feeling the most at the moment.

"What do you mean by almost??"

Unknown of the whirlwind, his words are wrecking over his friend, the soldier tears off a large chuck of the sizzling pancake, chewing quickly as the heat wafting off the food unbearable to fragile inside walls of his mouth. To swallow the substance, he finishes half milk of the glass in one go before replying. "Don't remind me. It was a complete disaster"

Arthit's ears perked at that. Turning face to the side, he peeks at the male busy stuffing his mouth with delicacies, "disaster huh?? Why?? Was he...', the actor takes a long deep breath before gritting out the words,"...that bad?"

Amarin makes a sour face. The food tasting like sand all of a sudden. Huffing he turned his body, now completly facing his childhood friend. Folding his arms, he waggles his eyebrows dramatically - an art he has picked up after practicing for so many years. "You seem so interested in knowing?? Why?? Don't tell me you have hots for your assistant?"

"What?? Absolutely not! "Are you crazy??", instant denial leaves actor's mouth, earning a lift of right eyebrow,"Really?? I mean, you seem pretty keen to know our history"

The actor snorted,"Whatever. I was just curious after watching you guys over the top reaction at the doorstep. I mean...', Arthit goes back to slicing his pancake, mustering all his acting lessons to appear as nonchalant as he could, glancing at later with corner of his eyes, under his eyelashes"...it was just a one night stand and that too years ago. Then how come you guys still remember each other?"

Amarin sighs, accepting the explanation of his best friend. Uncrossing his arms, he reaches over and picks up his black coffee. Taking a sip, he focuses straight at the wall, a faraway look enters his eyes, a solemn smile curving his lips,"....Kong...

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