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Arthit stops short in his steps, seeing a familiar face, amidst the hordes of unknown strangers. The driver has just dropped him off the airport. But before, the actor could ask for his tickets and luggage, the car has already left. He sighs, taking in the presence of his assistant. It had been hours since he left Kongpob at the motel to find his own way to the airport. He knows that he has behaved like a complete jerk to the younger one but he was hurt. Deeply. The scornful look in the eyes of his assistant like he is the worst scum on the earth panged his already bleeding heart more and he lashed out. But now after whatever went down with Namtan, he is relieved to find that Kongpob is still here. Atleast, he would not be alone through out the flight.

The actor made his way towards his assistant who seems lost in his own thoughts," What are you doing here?"

Kongpob jostled to present, getting out of whatever occupied his mind, and looks up. "Oh! you are here.. wait a second", the assistant gestures with his finger before he reaches inside his messenger bag and pulls out two boarding pass.

"Here. your ticket. Lets get going", The assistant handovered the flight tickets to his boss and starts to walk away but before he could, Arthit is grabbing his wrist, stopping him from moving.

"You didn't answered my question earlier. I asked, what are you doing here?? why didn't you left with the crew?", the solemn expression of Kongpob is not settling well with the actor. After the stunt he pulled in the morning, he has expected his assistant to be plotting ways to murder him but here he is, standing before him, talking to him like nothing has happened. It is only a sign that something more drastic is waiting for him in the future.

Kongpob breathed through his nose to stop himself from snapping out at later. He jerked his hands free of the grasp and pins the elder with a look which is part annoyance and part....Arthit breath hitches seeing the specks of guilt in those crazily fascinating warm brown liquid pools. He has clearly not expected to see this emotion in younger one's eyes more over aimed towards him. Anger, hate, distrust - these are the three prominent sentiments, he has witnessed in his assistant's eyes since that day two years ago. He can never forget the day, when the affection and respect Kongpob had for him, dissipated the very second he had been accused of selling confidential information of Suthilaks Groups to their rival firm.


"I am looking", Arthit answered without missing a beat, forcing his assistant to close his eyes in frustration before he opens out both his palms, in a placating gesture. Whom he is mollifying is still a mystery to the actor.

Pink tongue darts out a bit, wetting the rosy bottoms before going into hide as Kongpob continues," I can't afford to quit this job. So, don't push me to do the same with your -

"But when did I pushed you away", Arthit cuts off the male and steps closer. Leaning into his assistant who tilted back the same time to put the much needed distance. But it didn't stopped the actor from shifting closer to the younger as he murmurs in his deep, rough around edges baritone, making Kongpob gasp when he was pulled closer by a hand around his waist," If ask truthfully, I want to be the only one close to you. So close that you forget your very own existence..".

Kongpob takes a sharp breath when something soft and cold pressed just behind his ears and that was his wake up call. He pushed the other away and looked around before wearing the hood of his white hoodie, covering himself wholly.

"Are you crazy??? What if someone clicks a snap?? You are a celebrity, don't forget that", Kongpob grits through his teeth before walking away. He can't believe that even after everything, the actor is being this much careless. He is pissed at the evil witch for wrongly condemning his boss. He is angry at the actor for being in this mess in the first place. And most of the above, he is enraged at himself for being the reason for whatever is going to happen in the future. He is just so done with life.

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