Its all you!

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"What the heck are you doing here!!"

Arthit pins the other to the bathroom door, confining all kinds of movement by trapping Kongpob in between him and wooden door.

"What are you doing! Ahh!!", Kongpob  cries out in pain as both his wrists are  grabbed and held fast on either sides of his head.

"You are hurting me!!", Kongpob complained furiously. His eyes moistening with tear at the sudden attack of pain. When his wrist didn't complained of any ache after warm shower from last night, he thought that it's all healed and okay. However, now it's aching crazy.

Taken aback at the painful yelp, Arthit releases the other instantly, taking a step back. His eyes scanning the younger one to find the cause. Taking notice of how other cradled his right hand.

"What happened? You are injured?", Arthit asks out of worry. But his inquiry meets empty air as Kongpob steps out into the room, going straight to the bed.

The actor rolls his eyes at the ignorance before making his way to the wadrobe, taking out his healing spray. Being an action hero, he has to shoot so many gruesome and tiring stunts for the movies which leads to sore body parts and sprain all time. Having a spray comes in handy as it works much faster than patches. Dropping the spray on the bed, he gets on it only for Kongpop to stand up and starts for the door.

"Where are you going!!", Arthit yelled, not liking how the other ignored him altogether

"None of your business", came the shouted reply. Kongpob is furious at the actor. Reaching out, he turns the knob with uninjured hand and pulls open the door with a force, shaking the hinges and steps out, not bothering to close the door.

Arthit side glances at the door from where the other has disappeared to and pokes the inside of his right cheek, scoffing at the display of disobedience, huffing out an unpleasant are really asking for it, huh?..

Kongpob stomps his feet to the ground, power walking in the corridors. His whole self is burning in rage...How dare he manhandle him like that?? Just what the hell he think of himself?? Like.. Kongpob shrieked in fear when he was suddenly scooped up in air by Arthit. His arms flailing in air. "What the hell phi!!! Are you out of your mind!!"

"Stop making a scene!", Arthit growls in younger one's ear in a deep baritone, sending shivers all over Kongpob.

"I am making a scene?? Yaaa you lunatic idiot!!! Put me down right away!!", Kongpob hits the sturdy chest with his good hand. However, those weak punches having no effect on Arthit.

"Let me go you stupid piece of shitt!! Free me right away else I'll shout to the top of my lungs!!!!", Kongpob threatened.

Arthit smirked at the death stare. Feeling alive after so many days. The fiesty ball of human flesh secured in his arms  making him feel like he has been zapped with electricity.

"You wanna shout?? Be my guest. None of the staff comes before 10", Arthit whispered, his lips kissing the velvet skin in pretense of touching.

Kongpob goes still for a second at the contact. His brain stopped for a moment before processing the info the actor. "Wh what!!!"...we are the only one in the house??...

" Let me go immediately you crazy bastard!!!", Kongpob screamed, multiplying his efforts to get away. But it only led to him hurting his already injured hand more, resulting in him groaning and crouching in the arms, his injured hand tucking in between their bodies.

"What? Crazy bastard??", Arthit's nostrils flares at the cursing. He tightens his hold on the other, somehow subduing the resisting movement as he takes them back inside the room, banging the door closed with leg.

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