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Good afternoon passengers! This is the boarding announcement for flight 768A to Bangkok which had been delayed for 3 hours because of uncertain weather conditions. But now the flight has finally arrived and is ready to board. Thus, all passengers booked on the same, are requested proceed to gate no. 7.....

"Team, let's go let's go", Pita Suchadkin, the director, claps his hands, gesturing the crew to move.

An absent mind Arthit along with others starts to follow the director, when a wall of three officers comes before him. He looks up at the authorities in confusion.

"Sorry Sir, but you have to come with us"


"For nth time officer, I am falsely accussed", Arthit hits the polished wooden surface of the desk with both his hands, glaring at the police officer sitting before him, acting all ignorant and uninterested in whatever the actor was telling. He shifts his head to left where Namtan is, acting all terrified and fearful. Her dress torn from the shoulders and forearms. A deep gash dotting her fair temple, which is getting treated at the moment by the female cop. Arthit had to give it to the actress for her well done acting. No one can say that the girl looking all too innocent and scared of her mind is a vicious bitch with soul black like charcoal. He is currently at the Seoul police station, pleading his case.

It had been an hour since he was barred from boardding the flight by airport authorities. Thinking of it as some minor checking, the actor sent off his team saying that he would follow them soon. But who would had known that he would be dragged to police station and interrogated for physically assaulting the actress. Yes, that's what Nam has accussed him of. The best actress for 5 consecutive years has filed a complain against Arthit. He has been charged with drugging and attempt to molest the young lady last night and fleeing off the scene when the actress screamed for help. 

"Then care to tell us where were you last night?"

Arthit looks back at the detective and opens his mouth. But before he can give a retort, the man gives him a cold look," and don't even think of lying. We have already interrogated your director and film crew. You were not with them. No one had seen you at the after party."

Arthit nods," Yes, I was not with them cause I was at the bar-

"...where Ms. Nam was waiting for you as you had asked her to be."

"FUCK NOO!!", Arthit yelled, pointing his index back to Nam who acts scared for her life," she was the one who had called me up to meet there. You can check my call records if you have any doubt"

The detective rubs his jaw, his eyes taking in both actor's demeneurs, pondering if there could be any truth in what Arthit is telling.

Meanwhile, Namtan stiffens at that, realising that if she didn't take matters in her hands, soon her whole plan would go down the drain. She jerks up from her place," Yes, I had called you over but just to hang out as friends".

Making her way to where Arthit is glaring at him with clenched jaws. Avoiding the person she has accused with such a malicious thing, she turns to the police officer, wiping her non existent tears, making herself look all the more pitiful as she defends herself.

" Sir, Arthit and I have worked together is so many movies. When I came to know that he has finished his shooting in Seoul and is going back Bangkok, I gave him a call. So that we could catch up a bit as I would be busy for next few months for shooting abroad. How could I have had known that..that he would...", Nam started sobbing making Arthit pull out his hair in frustration. He glances in the investigator's direction and finds him regarding him with disgust. He looks around and finds all the present audience giving him the same look, reminding him of the last time he was a part of such hateful eyes. 

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