Sweet Torture

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Kongpob excuses himself, getting up to use the washroom when his steps falters. His movement sluggish and he already can feel his vision going murky.

"Are you okay, Kongpob?", Milli, assistant director asks, concerned for later. They had come out for a small celebration as they wrapped up the shooting at Alaska. Before heading to the next place, they decided to have a small relax and chill. Hence, all the cast members along with the whole crew is here today.

Arthit's ears perked up hearing the voice from other table. He is sitting with other actors and actresses and director of the film. They had not talked to each other since they left the hotel. The actor busied himself in the shooting while his assistant made himself scarce, hiding somewhere the whole time. He had half a mind to get to talk to other on their way back. Instead he had to follow the others here. Discreetly, he glances at the other table from corner of his eyes. He can see how red faced the other is, implying that his assistant is more than tipsy.

The young man gives a small nod, making his way towards the restrooms. He can feel the alcohal working with each of step he take. After stumbling and struggling, he finally found the loo. Not much aware of his surrounding, he gives a push to the door, and next he us bumping into a wall.

"Oww!!", he yelps, his forehead colliding with a hard muscled chest. His nostrils filled with heady mix of exotic leather and woods. The combination makes his head swarm and everything moves.

"Hey hey!! Easy there little one", the voice, warm and deep, sends shivers down his spine. Kongpob felt iffy even though the voice is playful and not threatening. He backs away but his knees give out and he barely managed to not fall on his arse. Clawing the door, he steadies himself, raising his head up to look at the stranger but except a blurr image, he can't see anything.

Kongpob bows his head, apologizing and side steps the other man who has not budged from his place. Before the young man can walk any further, he finds himself being grabbed from behind from the waist. A muscular arm wrapped around him, as his back collides with that sturdy chest again. Kongpob goes stiff and resists," wha..at are yoou do.oing?"..shitt!! Am drunk..the realisation that he is wasted and in grip of a pervert sent another chill of tremors down Kongpob who tries to break free of the hold.

"Sshh!! You scared of me?? Don't offened me little one. I won't do anything. You know my rules, ain't you?", Kongpob relaxes a little at the statement, which sounded familar for some reason. However, didn't give up on quitting his efforts to get free of the hold. He shivers, hearing the rumble of laugh, the chuckles filled the restroom.

"Still fiesty like hell!


Both men goes rigid at the call bit for entirely different reasons. Stranger cause he knew that his meeting time with Kongpob is up. While the younger one in relief hearing his boss's voice.

"Will meet again my little one"

Next Kongpob is falling on his butt, the wall behind him slipping, vanishing in air and everything goes black for him.


Arthit comes out of the shower, dressed only in a jogger, rubbing his hair with the towel. He glances at the male sprawled on his bed without a care. He shakes his head remembering how he had found the other, out cold, on the floor. Making up an excuse, he left carrying his assistant with the backdoor.

Sitting beside his assistant who has both his hands tucked below his cheek, knees resting against the chest. He stares at the younger one who is looking so defenseless and not at all his employee walking with all his guards up. Reaching forward, he moves the soft bangs covering the forehead,"why drink when you can't stand it? Huh?"

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