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I know the update is tooooo late. Sry for that:)

I have written for this story after so long. So there's a chance of encountering changes; whether in character behaviour, their way of talking or anything. Kindly guide me through it.

Also comment a lot and show your love for the story. It makes me super happyyy!!!!


Arthit opens his eyes, bearily. His already exhausted mind muddling up some more, as he finds the most beautiful and alluring chocolaty brown eyes; shining with affection and mischief, staring back at him.


Actor's voice exceptionally low and gruff but no one can miss the tone tinged with surprise, being overshadowed with the something akin to fulfillment. Like his wish has been granted.

Reaching out, he strokes the plump cheeks, looking more rosy under the dim moonlight streaming from the half opened window, casting a magical spell.

" P'Arthit"

Arthit felt tingles all over his body at the pronunciation. His name has never sounded so alluring and sexy. A desire washing over him. Extending his arm, he grabs the other around the waist, pulling the younger one forward, flushing their body together, unexceptionally close. Their breath labored and heavy. Whiff of pure lavender with an undertone of black rose, it was surreal. The actor rubs his nose against the crook of slender neck. His lips having their own mind, slipping and sliding all around the exposed caramelized skin, rich in honey.

"I miss you"

Arthit breaths, his hand pushing the body flat on the bed, as he raises and hovers over his husband, who has his eyes closed, lips ajar, puffs of air sliding out of the cupid bows, the chest moving up and down in a rhythm, painting a masterpiece for the actor.

" too-

The elder didn't let the other complete, capturing the soft lips with his own, swallowing the cry of surprise. His head bending, peppering love bites all over the exposed collarbone. His one hand traveling past the left arm, entangling the fingers together, as he kisses the other with ferocious hunger. His other hand creping inside the loose tee shirt, palming the exposed belly, making the younger one shiver in anticipation.

"Kong......I want to.....can I.....?", the question left hanging in the air, as the actor keeps on showering his love on the chocolate skin, drawing his own painting over his most favourite canvas.

A long pause falls inside the room, noise of wind sloshing outside is the only sound. Accepting the quiet as an answer, the actor starts to withdraw, when the entangled fingers tighten around his own, quivering lips meets his ears, replying without words. A silent agreement whispered in the air, which actor read more than heard. The small smile of the lips touching his bare skin is his only answer.



Arthit groans as he sits up looking around himself...where the hell am I??... It takes exactly a whole minute before he conjures that he is in his hotel room, alone. After getting a cup of ice cold water, gulping it in one go, he finally felt awoke enough to make a sense of events. His ears turns red as it dawned on him that he was having a wet dream and probably had tumbled down on the floor, wrapped in his blankets while dreaming of having sex with the younger one.

The actor is feeling hot all over. He slaps himself in forehead,"what the heck!!! It was a dream?? I was dreaming of having....",

the white skin turns more red as he reminisces the all too real dream of him. Moaning again as he looks down.....his member very much erect and standing proud, making him cover his head in embarrassment..oiii Arthit!!!what's wrong with you??....

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