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Arthit stares at the red digits blinking. The machine made a beeping sound, signifying that food is done. Strapping on the gloves, he takes out the bowl filled with piping hot milk.

After tucking the other in bed, he also changed into fresh set of track pants and t shirt. Throwing on a shrug over to keep himself warm. He has also turned on the heater in the living room as well as the bedroom. He didn't had much knowledge about hypothermia and he looked it up online. Finding tonnes of articles. Saying one thing only to keep the person warm and bring his body temperature to normal. Arthit doesn't think that younger one's condition is that worse. However, he didn't wanted to take a risk and find out. Thus, he ended up consulting his personal physician. Post his description, the doctor advised him few things and some medicine. Fortunately, he got the same in the medicine box saving him trip to the drugstore. He really doesn't want to leave the younger one on his own in this situation.

Placing the glass of warm milk, thermometer and tablets in a tray, he enters bedroom and finds Kongpob in the same state. Except there's noise of teeth clanking. Quickening his way to the guy, Arthit puts the tray on the bedside table and removes the blanket. His face morphed into anxiety seeing the shivering form of his husband, crouched in a fetus position.  Sitting over the edge, he calls out for other, caressing the fringes, swepting them away.

"Kong kong can you hear me? Kong!!"

Getting no reply except incoherent chattering of teeth, he swears under his breath. He can see how dead white, almost gray, the other has gone.  He has already cranked up the heater to the max. Also, he looked up for electric blanket but couldn't find one. He also tried to reach Mrs. Suthilak and Sia but no one is picking up. Arthit is really at loss now.

To warm a person, sharing body heat....

Words he read from one of the searches tumbles before his eyes. Next, Arthit comes up to his feet and takes off his shrug, pulling away the t shirt off him single handedly, leaving himself in track pants. Shuffling out of the slippers he has worn, he slips inside the sheets, embracing the trembling figure from back. Sliding his hand under, he half turns the younger one, now facing him as his hands and limbs goes around the guy, pulling the thick blanket over his head. The actor can feel how cold other's skin has gone. His fingers got busy with removing the fabric he has put on Kongpob earlier, while other hand starts to move up and down the back in sync, massaging everywhere he could reach, his legs rubbing up against the bare thighs sandwiched between his to generate some sort of warmth.

Kongpob feels like he is drowning in deep chilled ocean full of ice and glaciers. He is flailing his arms and legs to reach the surface but like tonnes of stones are tied to his feet, he is only managing to drag himself down the arctic, pitch black abyss. He wants to scream but like someone glued his mouth, his tongue stuck. He has his eyes opened but all he sees is darkness. He is exhausted now. So worn out that even struggle for next breath seems a war. However, just when he was about to give it up, a warmth swirls around him. A hand reaching out to him, pulling him out of the nightmare, the black sea he was drowning into. He no longer feels cold as warmth engulfs him from head to toe. He no longer feels frigid. His legs are immobile crushed in between the heat walls but instead of fear, all he can feel is comfort and relish in it. He uncurls his numb fingers, pressing it against the hot granite like wall, his body melting and draping to it like a snake.

Arthit stills as he finally gets a movement from younger one. He remains frozen as cold fingertips grazes over his pectoral muscles, initially with hesitation, later on hungrily and greedily. Clawing wherever they could, as Kongpob rubs his cheeks against his torso, sighing in pleasure. Suggesting some very very unappropriate thoughts to the elder. Making him groan and squeeze his eyes to block those dirty ideas.

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