Do you love me?

380 31 16

Kongpob stares at the person sprawled on the sofa, head rolling to the back, eyes closed, legs stretched over the glass table, a filmsy dark blanket covering them. Laptop opened and perched in the lap, slightly crooked and slanted from its earlier position.

Till when was he awake?", the assistant muttered, making his way to the dining table. Placing the breakfast tray over it.

Going back to his boss, firstly he removes the laptop carefully. Plopping beside the guy, he calls out the later," Boss, wake up. It's 10'o clock already. You need to take your medicine too"

The assistant's eyes lingers at the elder who seems so innocent and defenseless at the moment. There's no lines and creases marring the smooth forehead; which is no longer bandaged with gauze tape. It has been a week since the accident at the shooting site. His boss has been on bed rest for last 7 days.

After the much needed break, the actor is all healed up physically. They were advised to visit a neurologist just to make sure if there is everything alright inside his boss's brain. Even though the other had an MRI already, the doctors want to be on safer side as in these kind of incidents, symptoms reveal themselves later on.

"Stop staring. It's uncomfortable", Arthit mumbled, eyes still closed, shocking Kongpob who springs up from his seat, his eyes wide open, cheeks red.

"Yo you were awake? Why didn't you said so?", Kongpob asked, scratching the underside of his eyes, looking up at the ceiling.

Arthit shifts, straightening from his half slouched position, rubbing his eyes, squinting at the other," I was sleeping indeed but then you came and disturbed me"

Kongpob makes a face at the accusation, "Huh!! Whatever...', Going straight to the dining table," Go and freshen up. You need to finish this', he thumbs towards the covered tray,"...and take medicine".

"Ewww!!! I am not taking these pills. They taste awful", Arthit gags at the name of medicine. All of his taste buds had been fried with all dosages of meds he has taken during his treatment. He has tried to flush away the bitter tablets more than once but like always his assistant appeared crossed arms, like a prison warden. Only thing which was amiss was a guard uniform and a baton....well he would surely have looked sexy in those tight...

"Stop making faces. Meds are to treat you and not to tickled your taste buds, got it?"

Kongpob's admonishing voice splashes buckets of ice over Arthit, shattering his wild imagination.

The actor humphs at later's scolding and flungs away his comforter, throwing a stinky eye to his employee, before stomping his way towards the bathroom, muttering under his breath," bloody dictator"

"I so heard that", Kongpob calls out, getting a stuck out tongue in reply, before the bathroom door is banged shut.

The assistant shakes his head at other's childish act and starts to fold the blankets, the other had thrown away. Rearranging the sofa, placing back the cushions, making it presentable again. He has just sat down on the couch when the door of the bathroom pulls open, and a very wet, dripping wet Arthit, naked from upper half, strolled out, tying the knot of his towel. Only piece of cloth, serving some modesty the actor.

"What the hell!!", Kongpob, for the second time, jumps up from his seat, immediately giving his back to his boss.

"Why are you parading naked?"

Arthit tchs at other's screeching, opening his wardrobe, " firstly, am not naked, not completly. I have my towel on and secondly, ain't it was you who asked me to shower"

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