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"That will be all, Mr. Suthilak. You will be informed later, thank you", the lady said with a business like smile. Kongpob returned a polite smile of his own and stands up to leave before collecting his documents.

Shutting the door behind him, Kongpob gives a brief nod to the receptionist and walked out of the building crossing his fingers wishing like hell to get selected for this job. The air is humid, temperature moderately high but still a bit better than the scorching heat lashed down on common people. Single handly, kongpob reaches for his collar button and deftly opens it. A sigh of relief slips from those pouty lips as he feels free. He just abhor formal clothes. Uniforms are just not his thing, despite all the compliments he gets.

But what he is not is stubborn. If dressing up in formal attire is what it needed to get a job then he can suck up his dislike happily. Job. He had lost the count of interviews he had given past 1 month since he was fired and dare he say, spectacularly fired from his last job.

He need a job and immediately. All his last savings have extincted and he is broke. If it had only been him, he could have make it another week but he has responsibilities being the eldest and he is not one of those who shy away from his duty.

It has been two years since Suthalik empire crumbled to dust. His father had solely built the whole business and raise it to its peaks by hard work but one mistake and everything turned to ash. His father died of heart attack, his mother seeked her solace in a bottle of liquor which changed thanks but no thanks to religion. He and his sister were stripped of their happy life and parental shade. Speaking of sister, Kongpob fishes out his phone and calls Sia

" Hello Sia!! Listen I -

" sorry but it's zoey, her roommate. Sia have forgot her phone at the dorm"

Kongpob shakes his head, typical Sia,

" Oh hey Zoey!! How are you??", in an attempt to be polite, Kongpob questioned.

" I was okay but after hearing you, m fanfucking fantastic", the girl replied in a suggestive tone.

Kongpob tried to laugh off the sudden awkwardness erupted in him,"haha..very funny..... umm..uh....ookay!!! So, I'll just call another time. Take care",

Before Zoey can endeavour another one liners, Kongpob cuts off the call.

Zoey is his sister's roommate, an innocent, 22 years old, majoring in Fine Arts. An awesome kind hearted girl but when it comes to Kongpob, she is a pain in his ass, the biggest flirt he had the chance to come across.
For some reason, she had developed some puppy crush on him and never fails in expressing the same. It is one reason, Kongpob avoids visiting his sister Sia.

Sia is 3 years younger than his 25 years old and is currently in her final year majoring in fashion designing. Her baby sister is so talented and scored scholarship all the way through her college. But still there is her living expenses like rent, food, etcetera that Kongpob has to pay for. Unfortunately, all rooms were occupied at that time and Sia had to live on the outside skirts of the campus which is a 10 minute drive or 20 minutes walk. In the beginning, it was a little difficult for Sis to be on her own after constantly sheltered for 20 years. There were so many nights when he had to console her teenage sister over phone crying a river whinning about missing him and what not. But eventually, Sia begun to get accustomed to her new life, then she got an awesome roommate her words not mine and those needy calls diminished. Now the table has turned wholly and it is mostly Kongpob calling her baby sis asking her whereabouts, if she need money or how is she holding up her grades.

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