Strangers from past -1

406 41 19

Kongpob licks his lips, eyes darting here and there, as he musters a polite smile in direction of his boss, standing steps away from him, eyeing him with an unnamed emotion. The hazel orbs making him fidge under the intense stare.

"How does it look?? Is it ok?"

Arthit can't help but admire his assistant at the moment, toying with the edge of the off cream white shirt, half tucked inside the pastel brown pants- one of the try outs. The man is looking so adorable and sweet, especially now that the real golden colour of his hair is showing up. The brownish strands are scattered over, cloaking the whole forehead, giving a more soft approach to the male..cute!..

"Try other one",the actor commands, doing his hardest to not let the appreciation seep into the words. A hint of guilt passed to him, watching how the younger one's face fell instantly...seemd like he liked thus one..

His head hung low, the younger one gets inside the trail room, and pouts seeing his reflection in the mirror.

"what's wrong with him?? I look nice in these...idiot! Tsk!". Kongpob sulks as he gets out of the said dress, and puts on another one.

It is a pair of skinny black levis teamed with a white round collar undershirt and a red and black stripped shirt. The jeans fit him perfectly and the soft fabric of undershirt snugls to his torso like second skin but not a bit uncomfortable. He goes for an open shirt style and voila, Kongpob is ready to slay some hearts.

"You are looking gorgeous, Mr. Suthilak. Let's get going and shock the demonic boss",The assistant gives a flying kiss to his own image before throwing a wink and steps out.

Minutes later

"Idiot!!! Stupid!! Nincompoo!!Don't have a single sense of fashion!!!",Kongpob started cursing his boss as soon the door shuts behind him. Quick fingers working over the shirt, buttoned up to the collar- all thanks to his boss, who don't have know A to B of could he be selected as brand ambassador of all those fashionable franchises and not know the open shirt style...ughhhh...

Why had you not buttoned it up?? You will get cold..

..Cold??? Has he gone mad??? Why in the hell would I catch cold in 30 freaking degrees Celsius...

Shimming out of skin fit jeans, he gets himself wrapped in a classic black shirt with mild golden chequer box and a pair of dark black denim. He checks himself in mirror...hmm..not bad..

Arthit felt like a thunderbolt hit him straight seeing how wind knocked our of him as his nong came up to him in his classic black, looking hot as hell. Gulping down, he ran his eyes from head to toe, drinking up the sexy and cute image to his heart's fill. His feet moves on their own as he gets closer to his employee. In pretense of smoothing out the collar, he caresses the defined shoulders, fingertips accidentally grazing the naked collarbone peeking from the opened buttons, earning a small gasp from kongpob. Arthit's eyes widens, hearing the other person, finally realising what actually he is doing. Taking few steps back immediately, he looks around, "

...swear to God if you said next one again, I will beat the shit out of you..boss or not..Kongpob held his breath, waiting for the judgment.

" looks great...and had you covered up from head to toe... Take it"

Kongpob's face splits into an infectious grin after getting the agreement from his boss at last.

"Really?? Oh thank you so much!! And can I buy the last ones too?? Pleeease?? I like them soon much!!You can cut the amount from my paycheck. Please!! Please, can I???"

Love you, Hate youHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin