Eren Yeager & Zeke Yeager - All You Had To Do Was Ask

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"Is your dick this big, asshole?" He screams, pointing towards his limp member. "y/n, tell him my dick is bigger!"

"I mean - I've never seen his dick before, I can't say shit." You respond, placing your hands up in a sign of defeat while embarrassment fully settles in. The fact that your own boyfriend would drag you into this petty fight is enough to make you feel the slightest resentment towards him.

"Let's change that, shall we?" Zeke responds, even though you have not asked a question. You don't have the chance to say no before he pulls his black boxers down, not that you are opposed to it. It does come to you as a surprise when you realize his cock looks almost - no, identical to Eren's.

Tilting your head from one side to the other, you analyze their dicks. A confused expression takes over your features as you stand up from your comfortable spot on the couch, the book that rested on your lap now falling to the ground and you lose the spot you were reading.

The room is now filled with the sound of your rushed footsteps as you go up the wooden stairs. The brothers stare at each other, confused as to what the hell you are doing but neither of them has the courage to ask.

By the time Eren fills his lungs with the air necessary to exhale a question, you are already coming back down, a tape measuring in your hand.

"Stand next to each other." You say and they oblige, a little too scared to not follow your instructions so they line up, hands covering their members as if they were embarrassed by the situation at hand. "Dicks out, please."

Those words feel so strange to say. It wasn't the first time you had to settle an argument between them but this is definitely the first time that you have ever had the need to pull out the measuring tape and the first time you had ever seen both of their dicks right next to each other.

They proceed to cross their hands behind their backs, soft limbs out for you to measure and examine however you please. A warm sensation settles in the pit of your stomach and you can feel as your heart beats in your aching cunt. You shove away any naughty thoughts you might be having.

"I can't tell when they are soft." You say and Zeke chokes on his spit while Eren gasps for air. They cough at the same time while making eye contact for a second before looking in opposite directions. A thought crosses your mind and a devious smile takes over your lips.

Crossing your arms before your chest, you hook your fingers underneath the cloth of the edge of your shirt and pull it up, revealing your lace bra to them. Eyes wide, you notice as Eren's cock begins to rise, even though he attempts to hide it.

Zeke, on the other hand, covers his eyes as a sign of respect towards your relationship with his brother, but his dick doesn't lie. When your fingers go through the clasp of the bra, he begins to curl his toes, and the simple idea of seeing your bare chest is enough to turn him on.

In a teasing manner, you throw the clothing object in the space between them and it lands on the shared area of their shoulders. Eren yelps and Zeke gasps.

"There we go." You say and the blush spreads across their faces. The sound of the measuring tape extending enters their ears and they whine a little, nervous about the results. The smile that was once on your face disappears and you tilt your head backward while your neck pushes forward. "Good news and bad news."

"Just tell us who's bigger!" Eren exclaims, his hands waving before his genitals as a sign that he so desperately wants to cover them up.

"It's the same length and shape." You directly respond, fidgeting with the tape in your hands while folding it back to its original position.

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