35. Burden

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You slammed your bedroom door shut and text Hunter, tears streaming down your face.

Sad Bitch

Hunter replied 5 minutes later.

Hey, what's up?
I just got back from a mission

Sad BitchThat's good.

Oh no, punctuation
What's wrong?

Sad Bitch
Can we call?

Your throat tightened and more tears fell from your eyes. Nearly five seconds later Hunter's name appeared on your scroll screen.

You pressed the green button and Hunter's next words made you sob. "Hey, Darling, are you okay?"

You cried, trying to talk. "I...burden...dumb...so done...idiot....doesn't love me...hates me..." He didn't say anything.

You blinked and Hunter stood there with one hand on his staff and his other with his scroll to his ear. He ended the call and picked you up. Your arms instinctively wrapped around his neck as he raised his staff and teleported to his room.

He dropped his staff and put you on his bed. Hunter sat next to you and put his arms around you. He smelled nice...and he was warm..

You sniffled and hugged him as you cried. He rubbed your back. "What's wrong?" He asked, his voice soft and gentle.

"My (guardian/s)- They said...I'm a burden..and that all I do is cause trouble for them and other people-" You sniffed. "And that I'm a disappointment and nothing like my siblings or cousins- They told me I'm never getting anywhere and that you'd--" you choked up.

"I'd what? Leave you? Break up with you?" He asked as he held your body closer, tighter, more secure.

Your muffled yes was enough to set him off.

He pushed your body down on the bed. Your back hit the blankets and he held you close, but pulled his head away slightly. He looked you in your eyes before kissing gently. "Never." He said against your lips.

He parted your lips with his tongue and your kiss turned deeper and more passionate. "Never." He repeated. "I love you too much to do either of that. I love you so much."

His voice was quiet. "Your (guardian/s)...they're wrong. You're not at burden. You cause literally no trouble...and you're not a disappointment--and you being nothing like your family? That just makes you unique, it would be absolutely horrid if you had your family's personality..." He smirked and kissed you again.

You smiled weakly. "Hunter, they're not that bad--"

"They made you cry, no offense but that's pretty bad in my book." He murmured. His lips lightly touched yours again. "I love you, Y/n..."

"I love you too...Hunter..."

There was a knock on the door.

"Go away, I'm busy!" He called before burying his face in your neck. He kissed it lightly.

"I love you so so much..." He breathed. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Me either, Hunter..I love you...I love you so much.." You say quietly.

"We should get married..." He said softly. "Then you could live with me and we can spend everyday together..."

"We're only sixteen," You pointed out.

He sighed, his warm breath hitting your neck. "Yeah...Someday."


"Yes, Darling?"

"I really love you a lot."

"I love you too...a lot..."

𝙶𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝙶𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now