23. A Different Kind of Royalty

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The picture above is the outfit you're wearing. 

Okay, so let's pretend there are two Royal families, of the Boiling Isles, and of the Saccharine Isles! It's not on the same titan- There is another place, that wasn't abandoned or destroyed, far away from the boiling isles. We are using our imagination because The owl house wiki said "no alike landmasses are known to exist" Idk how this is supposed to work but I just had the idea.


"Ah, Mrs. Strongblossom, Mrs. Strongblossom." Emperor Belos said bowing slightly. "I've been wanting to discuss the little business you're running, and of course, being the queens of the Saccharine Isles."

Your moms smiled. "Of course, your majesty!"

The emperor's eyes land on you. You were wearing a beige button up shirt with dark brown pants and your hair was in your favorite hairstyle.

"Golden Guard."

The Golden Guard stepped forward, holding his staff. "Yes, sir?"

"What is your child's name, Mrs. Strongblossom?"

"Oh! Sweetie, introduce yourself!"

"My name Y/n Strongblossom...I attend Spellcy, a school in Easthallow, Saccharine Isles." You say,  your voice monotone. 

You didn't trust the Emperor. He had this evil aura about him.

"Ah, Y/n. That's a nice name. Would it be alright if my best guard--" The Golden Guard stood taller, proud. "Took Y/n out to have a tour of the Boiling Isles while we discuss some things?"

"Of course it would! Go on Y/n!" Your mother, Jana said.

"What? Why can't I stay here?" You say turned your head to them. "I-I don't know that guy! He could murder me!"

"Y/n, don't be ridiculous." Your mom, Isabella, said rolling her eyes. "Emperor, I'm so sorry about their behavior!"

"Actually..." The Golden Guard spoke up. He paused looking at the Emperor. The emperor nodded. "I'm actually Y/n's age. I'm sixteen. And," 

He turned to you. "If you're not comfortable with going around the Boiling Isles with me, I could take you to a restaurant near here." He said. "We could skip the tour and just go eat while Emperor Belos and your parents talk."

You stared at him. He had an honest aura around him. He didn't have an evil aura, like the Emperor.

"Hmm. I'll take the tour." You said finally. "You have to promise to take me somewhere to eat after you do!" 

"I promise," He said before leaning down, bowing. "Y/n."

Your moms 'Aww' as he held out his arm. You hesitantly took it as he led you out the throne room.

You walked arm in arm with the Golden Guard down the hall and soon reached the cool night outside.

He hopped on his staff. "I know it's not really royal, but--"

"Holy shit, is that a flying staff?!" You exclaim looking around it. "My moms never let me ride one! They said it's a death trap! At school everyone rides them, though! And your parents let you?! Wow!"

"I- Um, I don't have parents...my only family is my uncle."

"Oh. I'm sorry..."

"No, it's fine. Are you going to get on?"

You lit up right away and looked at the castle. Then you sat on the staff behind him and grinned. "This is so exhilarating!"

He laughed. "Okay, hold on tight!"

You wrap your arms around his waist as he kicked off the ground. Suddenly, you guys were in the clouds, flying fast as the cold air hit your face.

You laugh looking down. "Wow!" You smiled at the Guard. "Hey, what's your name?"

He slowed down. "It doesn't matter...this is Bonesborough, the largest town in the Boiling Isles."

Your eyes drift down again. It was so..beautiful. "That's amazing!" 

He nodded once and continued on, you saw many places like Hexide, Dead Man's Curve (Which the Golden Guard actually landed so you could have a feeling of standing on it), Latissa, Lake Lacuna...and so many more places. 

"The Boiling Isles is amazing!" You said as the two of you walked into a restaurant. The Golden Guard nodded as he opened the door for you. 

He got the two of you a table and the people brought you food. 

"So tell me, Y/n...what's it like in the Saccharine Isles?" The Golden Guard took off his mask and you stare, your face heating up. 

He looked...wow. Is everything here wow?! You coughed and looked into his magenta eyes.

"Oh...well, it's a boring place. There are a lot of people who are kind but vulnerable." You smiled. "That's where my moms come in. They help our people become more confident in themselves."

"Is it fun being being royal at school?" He asked. The Golden Guard started to eat and as did you. 

"Well...it gets lonely. People try and use me a lot. So I usually just spend my time in a library or with my actual friend, Ossie. She's nice, but we rarely hang out because she's busy with being the top student."

"I'm sorry that happens, Y/n." He said after a few moments.

"No, it's okay. But I really wish I knew your name."

He cracked a smile and looked down. "Ah, my name isn't all that important."

You tilt your head. "Tell me about yourself."

He paused. "About me?"


He hesitates. "Well, I'm sixteen...um...I don't know what to say." He laughed a little.

"That's okay. I don't want to force you." You looked at your food. "Thanks for taking me here,"

The two of you spent the night together and spoke about different things. You realized he was just a regular kid, like you. 

He was lonely from time to time. Like you...

You had gotten to know him. 

Outside the throne room door

You could hear your moms wrapping it up with the Emperor.

"Thanks, golden guard. For tonight."

He had his mask off. 

You held out your hand to shake his. Instead he takes it and lean down, placing a soft kiss on your knuckles. "It was my pleasure, Mx. Strongblossom." he looked up at you. 

"And please. Call me Hunter."

He slipped on his mask right before the door opened, showing your moms and the Emperor. Their meeting has finished. 

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