33. Don't Leave Me, Please [2/2]

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Zombie Apocalypse AU


This isn't a romantic oneshot.


TW//Blood, cursing

It's been two months since you stayed with Hunter and his friends. Over that two months you and Hunter got closer. He was more protective of you and cared for you a lot.

But last month, Emira Blight was bit by a monster and was turned into one of them. She had to die, which made Amity grieve and Emira's twin, Edric, to be on edge.

He despised Hunter for letting it happen, and would glare at him when Hunter would be playing with you.

"Hey...Hunter?" You said as you played with the blocks on the ground.

He hummed. "Yes, N/n?"

"Edric is staring at you again."

Hunter grunted and helped you build a castle. "I don't really mind, Y/n. Just keep playing."

"Why is he staring at you?"

Hunter sighed. "Because...Do you remember Emira?"

You nodded.

"Well, Edric thinks it's my fault for letting her die." He said picking up a block. You stopped his hand.

"But you couldn't do anything! I was there...She..She couldn't be saved.." You said.

He smiled. "Thank you, N/n. I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back."

You nodded. "Okay! I'll continue with our kingdom!"

He laughed and messed up your hair. "I'll be back."

"Hunter, we're almost out of rations." Eda told him as he left the bathroom.

He furrowed his brow. "Oh. Well me and Y/n can go out to get some. They need new clothes anyway. They grew out of their old ones."

"Okay, be safe."

You saw Hunter come back. "Hunter! Lo--"

"Y/n, we need to go out to pick some stuff up. You want to go?" He asked putting on his cloak.

You hesitated looking at your blocks and then at Hunter. "Okay!"

You put on your sneakers and ran at Hunter who laughed and picked you up. "We're heading out." He called to people left in the house.

Edric continued to glare.

You looked around. The streets were deserted. "Hunter, where are the monsters?" You asked.

He looked around, concerned and confused. "Um, I don't know. Come on, let's hurry."

You reached the store and he put you down. "Okay Y/n, I have to get food and things, can you go pick out your own clothes?"


He smiled. "I'll right here."

You nodded and scurried off. You grabbed a t-shirt and jogging pants. You saw a pair of black shoes in your size. You looked at your dirty red ones. You grabbed those too.

You felt a weight on you and saw a monster. Your body slammed into the ground and it sunk its teeth in your arm as you scream. It let go and leaned down to do it again but Hunter cut the thing's head off and kicked it off you. "Y/n! Y/n! Are you okay?!"

You held your arm. "I-It bit me!" You cried.

He looked around. No more. He looked at your arm and turned pale. "U-Um- Let me see if there's a first aid kit!" He said worried.

He ran behind the counter on the other side of the store going through drawers. As you waited you saw Edric with a sword.

"Edric, what- What are you doing here?" You say worried.

He stared at you. "You're a monster!" He screamed at you. Hunter's head snapped up as he saw Edric lift is sword.

It happened so fast. Next thing you know Hunter held you in his arms and you stared at Edric of his shoulder.

You smelled blood.

Tears drip down your face as you process that Hunter was stabbed--saving you.

You cry out as Hunter went limp. he fell to the side and you saw the sword embedded in his stomach.

You screamed crawled over to him. "Hunter! Hunter!" You sob and you freeze when you felt something warm and stick on your hand you looked down and saw a puddle of blood.

You looked at your hand, as it was covered in the red stuff.

You look at Edric who took the sword out and stared shocked.

You looked at Hunter who held a hand out to you. You went closer to him and he held your face. "H-Hunter!" You cried.

He mouthed something.

"What?" You said, leaning in.


You shook your head. "No--!"

"R-RUN-" He pushed you and his arm dropped. His eyes went dull and Hunter went limp.

You got up and ran. And ran. And ran. And ran.

"Hey-" Edric almost followed you but he remembered Hunter's body. He stared at it, tears in eyes. "I..I didn't..I didn't mean for.."

Your feet hit the concrete until you reached the Mansion. You bang on the door sobbing. "Help! Help!"

Luz opened the door, her friends behind her. "Y/n! Where's Hunter?!"

You sobbed. "A monster bit me and Edric tried to kill me but then Hunter saved me and he's bleeding a lot and he needs help!"

"What?!" Eda said. "Where is he?!"

"The-- Hexmart!"

They ran away, passing you. Amity stopped. "I'm so sorry, Y/n! Come on-"

"N-No! I'm not safe! I'm gonna turn!"

"We can heal you!" Lie.

"No, you can't!" You turned and ran off.

You watched from afar and unseen as everyone crowded around Hunter's body. Eda and Amity screamed at Edric.

You stared.

You saw a part of his gloved hand and tears fell down your face. Your stomach churned. You started seeing grey. Your wound seemed to throb. You were turning.

You ran off far far away and when you reached your before home, you couldn't remember anyone. Anything. Nothing.

All you wanted...was the taste of blood.

𝙶𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝙶𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now