18. You didn't mean to (2/2)

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2 years later

With Hunter

Hunter's 18 and you're 19

I sit with Kikimora, shaking. "Kikimora, where could they be? It's been two years!" I say.

"Golden Guard, you need to calm down..."

"They probably died...and it's all my fault!"

"No, it's not, Golden Guard..." She says impatiently. "You should get some sleep. You've look terrible since Y/n left."

She's not lying. 

I had bags under my eyes. I mean. I've always did, but these were darker. 

My eyes lost it's glow. Kikimora's surprisingly been there for me. Making me eat, go outside. I know how much Y/n's disappearance had affected her and my uncle. But they're used to it. I'm not.

"You're right...I should try to sleep..." I gave in. She gave me a soft look, surprising, and I went to my room. I slip in bed and fall into a short sleep.

I jolt awake, sweat covering me. I cover my face, eyes stinging. Y/n. I think. Where the titan are you? I choke back a sob and pull the blankets over my head, tears leaking out my eyes. I miss you so much...

"Golden Guard, get up..." Steve, a guard from the room next to mine said poking the blankets. 

I wipe my eyes and remove the blanket. 

"I'm skipping breakfast, okay?" Steve puts on a stern look. Well. I don't know. He has his mask on.

"No." He said. "You're eating breakfast. Don't make me get Kikimora." 

I look away.

They sigh. "Hunter, I know you miss them. You just have to move on."

Before I know it, I'm crying in his shoulder. I'm so weak..

Steve awkwardly rubbed my arm, muttering comforting things.

"It's all my fault...I pushed him away." I think of what they said two years ago. 

Go flirt with Edric, why don't you? 

I feel anger. 

"I hate Edric! Why'd he do that?! He knew I was with Y/n!" Steve was about to say more when Kikimora came in shocked. 

"They're...They're here."

I wipe my eyes. "Who?" I croak.


I freeze. I jump up, ignoring Steve. I pull clothes on as Steve and Kikimora yell, covering their eyes. I rush out, my heart pounding and my eyes search.

My eyes land on a h/c haired head and s/c skin. They had  an earring in their ear.

"Y/n." Tears spring into my eyes and Y/n looks at me. Their eyes widen.

"Y/n!" I run at them and hug them.


I push them away slightly, red in the face.

"Y/n! How could you do that?! I missed you! I thought you died! I can't believe you did that! I lost sleep, L/n!-"

"Hunter-" Y/n said.

"-I lost sleep, worrying about you! Worried you got hurt or- or, killed, and I wasn't there to heal you, save you!-"


"-I thought something happened to you, idiot! I love you so much! does that mean nothing to you? I mean-mngh!"

Their lips touch mine and their hand is on the nape of my neck. They pulled away.

"Shut up, Hunter. Let me speak."

I get angry, and shove them off gently. "No, no, no, L/n! Let me speak." They stared at me surprised.

"You leave for two fucking years, the titan knows where, and you show up! I don't care that you slapped me, L/n, you were angry, I get it. I don't care. What I do care about is how you left me." My voice shakes and tears fall. 

They look sad, scared, and guilty.

"I was so worried. What if you died? What if you got hurt? What if you turned into a ghost?" I sob covering my face. "You only care about yourself, sometimes! I was broken when you left! I skipped dinner, breakfast, and lunch. I stayed up late wondering if you even had a place to sleep. I don't care if you can't control your magic, L/n. You're amazing, and smart, and funny, and cute. Not being able to control your magic doesn't matter to me. But to you, it's everything!"

I realize they started crying too. 

"Hunter, I'm sorry. I-...My anger took over. I have no excuse of what I did...I came back because I missed you. I loved you. I was too stubborn to admit it between those two years. Because if that time came to actually say goodbye, I'd have something to lose. Going through life all on your own seems pretty fucking stupid now. I love you, Hunter...I'm so so sorry! I didn't mean to."

I wipe my eyes. "Swear on Emperor Belos you won't leave like that ever again."

They sniffs. "I swear on Emperor Belos, Hunter."

"In that case...I love you, too, Y/n.

Holy crap did this end up being toxic?

𝙶𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝙶𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu