21. Good Kid (Songfic! I'm SORRY)

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I'm sorrryyyy 

I just wanted to do one more song fic!!

Unless you want me to do more? Let me know!

BUT I feel like this song fits Hunter. Like The Other Side oneshot, I want you to play the song when you see these three dots: 


I changed the lyrics slightly! Maybe a lot?

This is kinda an Adopted Hunter AU (You'll see)

Let's begin.

"Hunter..." You said softly. Hunter was in his room, cuts and bruises all over him. He failed his mission yet again. 

And Belos hurt him. You wished you could do something, but you were just a lowly Coven Scout. A spy, of course, but still a coven scout.

Tears streamed down his face. Your heart breaks as you pulled him into a hug. "It's okay...I'm here..."

Hunter grasped onto you like it was the end of the world. His voice croaked as he spoke.


"Six homes in six years...I've been kicked out of every place..." He said quietly. "Everything I ever do is wrong..."

"Oh, Hunter..." You said softly. "That's not true.."

"Never find where I belong...Everybody on my case!" Hunter pulled away slightly ang glared at the ground. "The same old story, the same old song: 'Don't act up, don't act out, Be strong'..."

"You don't always have to be strong, Hunter...It's okay to be weak..."

Hunter thought of Belos, and you could tell. "I keep my head down, I keep my chin up. But it ends up all the same with, 'Pack your bags, Hunter, you're always to blame'..."

"Hunter..." He pulled away fully and grabbed his palismen.

"I never try to do anything." He turned his back to you. "I never mean to hurt anyone!" He turned suddenly, his face full of anguish. "I try, I try to be a good kid..."

He looked down. "A good kid..." Tears streamed down his face. "A good nephew..."

"I know you do, Hunter...It's not you. It's Belos." You said reaching to him.

"But no one ever will take my side."

You blinked. "What am I? A roach?" He looked at you. He smiled before continuing. "All I ever do is take the fall..."

"I swear, I swear that I'm a good kid!" He said, as if trying to convince you. You smiled. 

"I know you are, Hunter."

"Guess I'm 'good for nothing at all'..." Hunter quotes and you felt angry.

"Did Belos say that?" He turned away from you. 

"Kikimora was a world class jerk. Dad was never there...The only family that really mattered?" He gripped his palismen. "He didn't need me anymore..."

"Fuck him, Hunter. He doesn't deserve you." 

Hunter looked at your, surprised. "And now I finally find a haven....Someplace safe, where I can stay..." He was referring to you...You blushed slightly. 

"'Till it's 'We're over, Hunter, now go, go away'!" 

"I'd never say that." Hunter scowled at the ground. he nodded but said, "I never try to do anything!" His fists balled. "I never mean to hurt anyone!" He shouts, voice cracking. "I swear, I swear that I'm a good kid!" He stopped. and said, "Yeah, Hunter, that's a good one..."

He opened the door and you quickly followed. You panicked. He had lil rascal out in the open! 

"But no one ever will take my side! All I ever do is take the fall! I swear, I swear that I'm a good kid!"

"Guess I'm good for nothing at all.." 

"Hunter where are you going?!" 

"To Belos."


"You heard me. All the homes in six years. Every battle, everyday...He never tells me that he's proud! He never asks me 'Hunter, how'd you like to come round and stay'?"

"I know it hurts, but you're putting Lil Rascal in danger." 

He ignored you. "All you get are bad kids to take care of," He stomps down the hall, tall, "And a bum rap...And a bad rep...And a good smack! And no friends and no hope and no mom- She's taken away..."

He stopped in front of a door. "I swear I never stole anything..." He said quietly. He took out his golden mask. "I never meant to hurt anyone..." He looked at you. "I swear, I swear that I'm a good kid...A good kid, who's had a bad run..."

"Hunter...What are you doing?"

"And all I need is one last chance...to prove I'm good enough for someone!" He smiled. "I'm good enough for someone...."

"I'm good enough for someone!" 

Wait...did he mean you?

"Get ready to leave." He said.

Six schools in six years

He opened the door and pointed the palismen at Emperor Belos, gripping his mask.

Six schools in six years

"I'm good enough for someone!"  He threw the masked at him.

"Hunter! What is the meaning of this?!" He bellowed. "Is that a PALISMEN?"

Six schools in six years...

Hunter swished off his white coat. 

"I'm done with you, Uncle. Find another Golden Guard."

He turned and walked out. He jumped on his palismen, you joining him. 

"Get him!" Belos said to the other guards and the couple flew off in the Boiling Isles.

"Hey....Human..." Hunter said to Luz, who opened the door. "We're kinda on the run."

𝙶𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝙶𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt