Chapter 33

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Joo-hyun left the room to give the couple some privacy even when she really didn't want to leave them alone. However, she made sure to tell them that she'd be just outside the door and if anything happens she'll be there in a second. Namjoon then walked towards the bed where Jin laid, his eyes becoming teary once again as he sees his husband's condition. Jin on the other hand did not feel unsafe being in there with only his husband but he still did not want to face Namjoon. Whenever the healer tried to look at his husband, he'd remember all the hurtful words said to him and the slap he got. He would also feel shattered whenever he would see his empty ring finger, so he tried his best to avoid his husband's eyes no matter how much his heart yearned for Namjoon.

The prince sat by the chair that was near the bedside and slowly took Jin's hand into his own, afraid that the latter would pull his hand away and shout at him, but Jin did none of that. He just simply stared at the ceiling with an expressionless face even though he was really hurting inside. 'Jinnie? I need to take your clothes off in order to clean you. Is that okay?' Namjoon asked very softly, as if afraid to even raise his voice because he might trigger his angel and Jin just nodded without a word. The prince slowly took off his husband's clothes, being very careful to not accidentally cause friction on the wounds.

As one layer after another came off, Namjoon could feel his heart being stabbed with a sword, his eyes just couldn't control the tears as they continuously cascade down his cheeks, his mind telling him that he was the reason for all of this. Jin's body was covered in large deep bruises, his stomach area was a deep purple, his neck had several cuts, his hands were bleeding from deep as well as shallow cuts that were made by a dagger, his legs had large bruises at where he was tied and his face had bruises from all the punches and slaps he got. The prince let out another heart wrenching sob, 'I'm so sorry Jinnie it's all my fault that you went through all this. I'm sorry baby,' Namjoon continued mumbling his apologies while he slowly cleaned his husband, but Jin still said nothing. After about twenty minutes, Jin was thoroughly cleaned and his husband had helped him get dressed in light clothes.

Because Jin hadn't said a word, Namjoon thought that he hated him- which was pretty fair considering all the messed up things he said and did that resulted in his Angel's condition now. So, he quickly picked up all the dirty clothes from the floor and kept them in the basket near the bathroom, then he also put away the warm water and cloth that he had used to clean his angel before walking towards the door, but before he opened it he heard his baby's voice for the first time in almost four days, 'Namjoon,' Jin had called in a very soft but hoarse voice and the prince immediately ran to his side, kneeling on the ground and holding his hand, 'Yes angel, I'm here,' Namjoon said ever so softly, 'Do you really hate me?' the healer asked and this time he couldn't be strong anymore, his tears getting the better of him. The prince almost punched himself for being an idiot and uttering such words to his love and now he can see how broken Jin was when he asked that question. He slowly pecked Jin's forehead, 'I was the biggest fool for saying those words to you my love. I was an even bigger fool for believing someone's words without even asking you. I even laid my hand on you and for that I can never forgive myself. But angel, please know that I love you so much. I can't bear the thought of losing you; I know I don't deserve you anymore and you can give me a divorce because I deserve it. But Jinnie, I'm begging you this time, please just give me one more chance to prove myself to you. I'll be a better man, a better husband to you and I'll treat you like the prince you are. Just please don't give up on me,' Namjoon sobbed his heart while still holding onto Jin's hand.

Meanwhile Jin just wanted to embrace his sobbing husband and kiss his tears away, telling him everything is alright but he fought against the will. He knows his husband was the best no doubt, he had treated him with so much love and respect and shown him how much he loves him. It was only that one time where anger got the best of him, so Jin had already forgiven him the moment he saw Namjoon crying in front of him in the forest. Everyone deserves second chances and Jin was willing to give his husband who he loves so much another chance. But, the healer wasn't going to make anything easy for the prince, yes he had forgiven him but that doesn't mean he'll tell him that. Jin wanted Namjoon to understand how much hurt he had caused his heart and so he wanted to teach the man a lesson so that he'll never make the same mistake again, so he'll never take someone's words against his without even consulting him.

'I'll be staying with my parents for now, I need time and space to heal,' Jin finally said and Namjoon although deeply disappointed nodded, 'Anything that makes you happy Jinnie,' he said softly 'But can I visit you there?' the prince asked not sure if Jin will agree but he needed to prove to him that he'll do anything it takes to win his heart back. 'You can visit after a week. I don't want to see you right now. I need time to think about everything. But that doesn't mean that I hate you or I don't want to be with you. You're my husband, and I am willing to give you another chance. Just please give me one week to myself,' Jin said with a stoic face. Namjoon smiled just a bit, his angel is always so sweet-he was even willing to give him another chance. 'I'll give you all the time you need Jinnie, but I promise that I'll be a better version of myself and treat you right. I love you,' he said sweetly before pecking Jin's forehead,' I'll take my leave for now angel, so mama can take care of you, I love you,' and he quickly turned away to leave the room, failing to see Jin's small smile and him mouthing, 'I love you too Joonie.'

As soon as Namjoon exited the room, Joo-hyun entered quickly to treat her son's wounds. Seungwan was also about to enter but she stopped in front of her son, 'Your father is waiting for you in the garden,' she said and hurried inside as well to help her son-in-law. As the Queen and Joo-hyun entered the room their eyes already started watering seeing Jin's condition, 'Mama, eomma please don't cry. I'm okay. I'm happy,' Jin said weakly from the bed, 'How can you say that Jin? How can you be happy?' the queen asked and Jin smiled at her, 'Because Joonie loves me,' and the ladies in the room were too shocked to say anything. Soon they proceeded to treat his wounds while he shared his feelings with them. Joo-hyun just accepted her son's feelings but Seungwan was angry, 'Jin how can you be so kind? I know Namjoon is my son but he doesn't deserve an angel like you,' 'No, eomma I love him so much and I know he loves me. It's just he got taken over by anger that day and I understand,' 'Irene, why aren't you scolding your son for being so forgiving?' Seungwan asked Joo-hyun, 'Because I know when he loves someone he'll always try to see the best in that person and love them unconstitutionally.'

Meanwhile Namjoon had gone to the garden to meet his father. He saw him standing near the fountain and so he approached him slowly. 'Father,' he called out, 'Yes Namjoon, I've been waiting for you.' The prince bowed and looked at his father with worry, 'I'm disappointed in you my son. I never thought that you'd get carried away by anger or hurt to the extent that you'll say such hurtful words to your husband, let alone hit him. If it was your mother in Jin's place, I would have received divorce papers that night itself. But Jin didn't even shout at you. Now I don't know what will happen to your fate, but if you get together again please treat him right my son,' Chanyeol said in a serious tone. He had wanted to shout at and punch Namjoon, but he decided it won't do any good so instead he'll just talk it out with him. 'If you hurt him again, I'll be the one to separate you,' the king warned and Namjoon nodded. 'You are right father, Jin is too kind and forgiving and I'm glad he's willing to give me another chance. I'll prove to him I can be a reliable husband for him, someone who'll always be there for him and I will never repeat the same mistakes ever again,' Namjoon said with determination and the king nodded, 'Keep your words Namjoon.'

And as the sun rose, a new day has begun showing signs of new hope.

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