Chapter 10

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Two months have passed and the relationship between the prince and his husband has been improving everyday. They would always eat their meals together, Jin feeding Namjoon for almost three weeks until his hand fully recovered; they would also cuddle when they sleep though both claim it as an unconscious act while sleeping and they would occasionally accompany the other in their work at least once a week. The couple grew closer each day and you could say that maybe love is blossoming into a beautiful flower between the two. In the two months, Namjoon learned many new things about Jin, such as how easily startled he gets or how hard working he is when it comes to helping others. Jin also learnt some things about Namjoon like his favourite dish, how smart he actually is and all about his ideas on governance of a country. On weekends, the couple would visit the orphanage in the capital and spend time with the kids there, helping them in school work or just having fun, playing outside. Both eventually learnt that they loved kids just as much as the other and when they arrived back at the castle they would take a stroll in the gardens after dinner and just enjoy each others company. Another important step in  their relationship is the kisses they would give each other before leaving for work. This started ever since their first visit to the capital, and continued till date; Jin would kiss his husband's cheek and Namjoon would kiss Jin's forehead before leaving for his daily princely duties.

Jin and Namjoon however weren't the only ones progressing in their relationship, Jimin and Yoongi are also very much in love with each other and more openly so than the Royal couple. The two got together two months ago, after the trip to the capital. Yoongi had asked Jimin to meet him at the rose garden and when he did, Yoongi confessed his love to the younger who also felt the same way and as the stars shone brightly above them, the scent of roses filling the air, their lips met in a blissful and gentle kiss that conveyed years of secret love and admiration. The next day they announced their relationship to the King and Queen and to the Prince and his husband who were very supportive and even teased the new couple quite a lot. The two months seemed to be filled with nothing but love because even Hoseok, Jin's elder brother had just told everyone of his intentions to court Jackson Wang, the Prince's advisor. The two would often go on dates for the past month and have been getting closer, Jackson loving how sweet and kind Hoseok is.

It was the start of a new day, the sun shining brightly in the sky and into the Prince's room where he was sleeping soundly with his husband in his arms. He slowly opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was his angel snuggling into his chest and he smiled widely. Namjoon realized that ever since he decided to give Jin a chance and try to change himself into a better person, he smiled more often but only at his husband, to others he was still the cold prince but even so everyone noticed that his mood would not be as bad as it was before the healer entered his life. Slowly he caressed his husband's cheeks and eyes, 'What have you done to me Seokjin?' he asked absentmindedly with a smile and pressed his lips onto his forehead causing his husband to open his eyes slowly, their eyes met and they both smiled at each other, Jin getting lost in the beautiful eyes of his husband. 'Good morning Joon,' he said softly with a blinding smile, 'Good morning angel,' the prince replied back using the pet name that fitted his husband well, but he would only call Jin angel when they were alone and Jin didn't mind one bit, in fact he loved it when Namjoon would be so soft only when they're alone cause he knew that it wasn't an act or pretense for anyone.

Instead of getting up, the couple lied in bed cuddling instead. 'What is on your schedule today Joon?' Jin asked his husband who almost fell asleep, 'Mm I don't remember, what day is it again?' he asked sleepily, 'It's Thursday.' Namjoon widened his eyes and immediately got up startling Jin, 'What's wrong my prince?' he asked worriedly and the prince looked at him with a worried glance, 'Let's get ready for the day first, I'll tell you after breakfast angel, I promise yeah?' 'Okay.' The couple went on with their morning routine, getting ready for the day and when they were done they headed down for breakfast. Chanyeol and Seung-wan were already at the dining table and they both smiled widely at their son and son-in-law. 'Good morning Eomma, good morning appa,' Jin greeted his in-laws with a bow, 'Good morning dear,' 'Good morning son,' the queen and king said respectively. 'Good morning Eomma, appa,' Namjoon wished his parents and bowed, 'Good morning son,' the king and queen replied at the same time as the young couple took their seats next to each other.

Everyone except Namjoon ate their meal, and Jin noticed that he was in a very bad mood. 'Joon? Aren't you going to eat?' he asked softly, while the Prince's parents widened their eyes in shock because if Namjoon is in a bad mood if you say even a single word to him he'll lash out at the person. Namjoon was upset, really upset.  He didn't want to eat anything at the moment but when he heard his husband calling him softly, worrying about if he'll eat or not, everything vanished away like vapour. His moodiness and frustration went away and he turned to Jin and smiled surprising his parents and the maids in the room, 'Can you feed me?' he asked cutely, 'Anything for you Joon, what would you like to eat?' Jin asked with a smile, the type of smile that's only meant for Namjoon, 'I'll have what you're having. I want you to feed me from your plate,' 'But I thought you don't like bacon,' 'I like it now,' 'Alright alright I'll feed you from my plate.' Jin scooted closer to Namjoon, he took a forkful of the toast, egg and bacon and brought them to his husband's lips who accepted it happily. Meanwhile the king and queen were still shocked at their son's behaviour, sure he's been closer to Jin the last two months but this was really unexpected. Not only did he not lash out at his husband, he instead smiled brightly and asked Jin to feed him from his plate.

The couple were in their own world, happily eating their shared breakfast. Chanyeol leaned over to his wife's side and whispered something, 'Our son is whipped,' to which Seung-wan nodded and smiled, 'Definitely whipped,' she mouthed and they both had a satisfied smile on their faces. The maids also cooed at the couple from afar, loving how much Namjoon cares for Jin and how the latter treats their prince so well. 'Jin, son, we'll be going now. Have a good day you lovebirds,' the queen said making the couple blush, 'Have a good day Eomma,' they said at the same time.

The king and queen had left and Namjoon and Jin had finished their breakfast. 'Angel, let's go to the garden with me. I have to tell you something important.'

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