Chapter 32

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Trigger Warning: Violence mentioned. Please do not read if you are uncomfortable.

Jin was eating a stale bread that Eunkwang had given him a few minutes ago, and for the healer who hadn't eaten anything for the past two days, the stale bread tasted like heaven. In just a few minutes, he had finished everything and he was thankful that his energy is slowly coming back to him. 'So I delivered the letter to your friend this evening, and yes like I promised, I gave him something as a keep sake. I may hate you and want you to die but I at least will fulfill your last wishes,' Eunkwang said as Jin just kept quiet. The healer had been tortured for two days and nights without much break and his body was aching so bad, some parts of his body are still bleeding and on top of that he was still heart broken thus making him physically and mentally exhausted that he didn't even fully comprehend what his kidnapper was saying at the moment. The last bit of will power he had was used up in writing the letter to Jimin and now he just wanted to die. Yes, at this point death seems like a great idea for Jin.

Eunkwang on the other hand was once again laughing like a maniac, 'Tomorrow is Minhyuk's birthday! Listen Seokjin, I have a gift for my lover and he'll be happy when he knows about it! Maybe he'll even agree to run away with me because his parents will never accept a peasant like me who can't even bear a child!' And another loud laugh echoed throughout the worn out cabin. 'You want to know what my gift is? Huh? Answer me!' Eunkwang shouts angrily as he slapped Jin really hard. 'Whatever don't answer me! Just know that I'll be gifting your head to my love. I'll kill you at midnight and take your head as a surprise,' and Jin's eyes widened just a little at the words. The healer was terrified to think that he'd be murdered at this point. He wanted the torture to end, yes, but he doesn't want to be murdered ruthlessly. He wanted to cry and scream out loud but he couldn't. No voice would come out of him and he just sat there, frozen. 'I guess I'll just have to die in disgrace. My Joonie hates me and I'll die without him ever knowing that I would never kill a child. Maybe another man can make him happier,' Jin thought to himself and slowly closed his eyes.

As soon as Jin closed his eyes, Eunkwang got furious. He wanted to hear Jin scream in pain or beg him to let him go, but the healer gave him none of that, not even a small cry. He was tortured so badly but only silent tears fell. It's like he's given up. So Eunkwang who did not get the satisfaction he wanted from torturing Jin decided to end him now. He took out his sharp sword from its sheath and lifted it up swiftly, but before he could bring the sword down on Jin, he was tackled to the ground and let out a loud scream awakening the weak healer. 'Get off me! I need to kill him to make my love happy! Let me go!' Eunkwang screamed and tried to trash around but he was no match for his opponent. 'You think I'll let you kill my husband's only hyung?! What did he ever do to you to deserve such treatment?!' Yoongi said with the scariest tone anyone has ever heard as he punched Eunkwang really hard causing him to lose consciousness. Jin on the other hand thought that he was dreaming. How could anyone find him there? But tears of happiness and relief flooded down his face especially as he saw Yoongi tying the man down. 'Y-Yoongi hyung t-this is r-real right? I'm not d-dreaming?' Jin asked in between his tears making Yoongi look at him with sadness, 'I'm real Jin-ah. The others are here too but they're a little behind,' he explained as he slowly moved towards Jin to untie him from the tight ropes, but not daring to look at him for long because of all his cuts and bruises.

As Yoongi had cut the last rope that was tied around Jin's ankles, there were sounds of horses from outside and in a few seconds, Hoseok came in and once he laid his eyes on his younger brother his heart shattered. When Jin saw his brother he felt safe, 'H-hyung,' he softly called and his brother immediately went to his side and carefully brought the injured male into his arms, 'I'm so sorry Jinnie, I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you,' Hoseok cried, 'N-No hyung it's not your fault,' Jin said softly as tears didn't stop rolling down his cheeks. 'Hyung is here Jinnie, everything will be alright,' the older said as he wiped his brother's tears away, 'H-hyung did Joonie c-come?' Jin asked softly, heartbroken to think that his husband wouldn't even bother to come find him but Hoseok nodded, relieving the younger just a little, 'He's outside Jinnie, he wanted to come in but Jackie said you might not want to see him.' Jin just nodded, he loves Namjoon, a lot and he loves him even after everything. He just wanted to be in his embrace, but he needed time. Time to heal and slowly forget all the hurtful words said to him. He knows that the prince said everything in anger but he's hurt because his husband chose to believe some stranger's words but not his. So Jin made up his mind to not give in so easily, even when his heart yearns for his husband.

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