Chapter 11

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Jin followed Namjoon into the garden, wondering what the Prince needed to tell him that's so important that it even spoiled his mood that morning. Meanwhile Namjoon's brain was running at two hundred miles an hour trying to figure out the right words to explain the whole situation to his husband. The couple kept on walking in silence, the silence scaring Jin a little bit but he brushed it off. Soon they reached the fountain, which was the healer's favourite part of the garden other than the greenhouse of course and Namjoon took a deep breath as he gazed into his husband's beautiful brown orbs. 'Are you alright Joon?' Jin asked worriedly and Namjoon shook his head, 'It's alright, take your time. I'm here for you,' the healer said softly in a reassuring tone and his husband just nodded.

'Have you heard of Lee Min-hyuk, the second prince of the kingdom of Melody?' Namjoon asked Jin, 'Yes, my prince. Hyung mentioned him once, he said that they're not in good terms with our kingdom,' Jin replied and his husband nodded. 'Yes, that's right. We've never really been good friends and Min-hyuk despises me. I don't really know why he hates me, I've tried being nice to him but all he did was hire an assassin to assassinate me when I was only sixteen. I'm sure you've heard of the story of how my supposedly close friend betrayed me,' Jin nodded slowly, 'I'm sorry my Prince,' 'You don't have to apologize angel, it's all in the past. You've shown me clearly that not everyone has bad intentions and for that I'm thankful. My mood just went sour when I remembered that that bastard will be visiting our castle today afternoon for diplomatic reasons as he says. It just brings back unwanted memories I guess,'  Namjoon said with a bit of frustration.

The prince has been feeling really upset since morning though a bit passed away when Jin fed him breakfast, but he's still in a bad mood. Suddenly, Jin pulled him into a tight hug, his arms encircling around his neck, 'It'll be tough Joon, but I'll be by your side no matter what. Just come to me when you feel down okay,' he whispered softly in the Prince's ear. As his husband pulled him into a hug, Namjoon's frustration all seemed to melt away and he encircled his arms around his thin waist. When Jin whispered into his ear the sweet promises, the prince felt tears in his eyes and he hugged his husband tighter, forcing his tears away. 'Thank you Jin, you really are an angel, my angel,' he said as he pecked his Angel's forehead, 'Let's go back inside, I'll help you grind the herbs you got yesterday,' 'Okay, but you have to help me move the boxes in my work room too,' Jin said before kissing his husband's cheek making him smile.

It was almost noon when Namjoon finished assisting Jin with his work, both tired but satisfied. There was a knock on the door and Yoongi stepped in, bowing, 'Namjoon ah, Min-hyuk has arrived along with his advisor and five soldiers, he's waiting for you in the main drawing room,' 'Okay, wait for me at the end of the hall, get Hoseok and Jackson too, we'll face him together,' Namjoon said in a very serious tone and Yoongi left immediately. 'It'll be alright Joon, I'll be by your side if you want me to,' Jin said, breaking the tense atmosphere; the prince looked at his husband and smiled a little, 'But you might be uncomfortable. That man is a creep,' 'If being by your side will calm you even just a little bit, I will not leave you. I'll be strong for you,' Jin said with determination in his eyes. Namjoon couldn't help but admire his husband once again, 'How can a man be so brave and kind like you?' he thought to himself before taking a deep breath. Before stepping out, Jin fixed his husband's clothes and hair properly and they left together, his hand on Namjoon's arm.

Namjoon and Jin entered the room where Min-hyuk was, with Yoongi to their left,Hoseok to their right and Jackson right behind them. 'Well well well, it's nice to see you again Namjoon,' Min-hyuk said with a smirk as he stared at Jin from head to toe; 'What a beautiful spouse you got, too bad I wasn't invited,' 'I wouldn't want to invite someone who wants me dead,' Namjoon responded coldly. The second prince of Melody laughed maniacally at Namjoon's words and started to walk closer to him, 'There's no real proof now is there?' he asked in a mocking tone as he eyed Jin once again. Namjoon noticed this and his blood boiled, even Hoseok didn't like the way Min-hyuk looked at his younger brother; 'So Namjoon~ why don't you introduce me to this beauty?' Min-hyuk said as tried to take Jin's hand, however the healer was quick enough to move back an inch and bowed instead, 'I'm Kim Seokjin,' he said in a monotone voice, no hint of the kind and caring man can be found. The prince internally sighed in relief as his husband was quick witted enough to avoid any unnecessary conversation with his enemy by ending the conversation before it even started.

'Alright Min-hyuk, we aren't here to just catch up like long lost friends, so let's go to my office and settle whatever we need to,' Namjoon said coldly; 'Great. Let's go then,' Min-hyuk said and pointed at Jin, 'Bring this beauty with you Namjoon.' If Namjoon wasn't angry before, he sure as hell was now. He hated the way Min-hyuk looked at his husband and how disrespectful he was being, he clenched his fists not wanting to start a fight and Jin immediately noticed his husband's anger, so he subtly caressed his hands softly. The healer then turned to Namjoon and bowed, 'My prince, I would love to accompany you but I have already made prior arrangements with the Queen. So please excuse me,' he said confidently, with no signs of lying and once again Namjoon was relieved by how amazing his angel handles the situation. Yes, he had at first wanted Jin to stay by his side but after seeing how perversely his enemy was looking at his angel he wanted Jin to leave the room, and it was amazing how his husband could understand easily what he wants. 'Alright,' Namjoon simply stated and he went to kiss Jin's cheek, while doing so he softly whispered a thank you in his ear and Jin left a second later.

A/N: No hating on Lee Min-hyuk please. He's a very sweet soul, an amazing artist and a funny dude.
Remember this is only fictional, the characters in the story do not portray what the idols are like in real life.
I just used Min-hyuk as a villainy type of character cause he seemed to fit the role🙃

Have a Wonderful and Happy New Year everyone. I wish for you and your loved ones to be healthy and happy, to achieve your goals and for you to prosper!
I love you all 💜

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