Chapter 40

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Two weeks later

Jin was in the capital, more precisely, at the orphanage. He, alongwith his mama and eomma are there to check up on the kids' health and to spend time with them. Jin would usually visit the orphanage alone or with Namjoon, but today his mama and eomma wanted to help him and so they also planned to organise a big feast for the kids at dinner. It was past noon and all the kids got a check up, most of them were perfectly healthy except for two boys and one girl who had caught the common cold. They were given some medicines and were asked to rest for the whole day. Joo-hyun packed up all the extra medicines and tonics and gave them to the care-taker so she could keep them safely away from the young ones, explaining all their uses to the middle-aged woman.

Meanwhile the queen was entertaining little curious girls, about five or six of them by answering all of their questions about being a princess. Of course Seungwan did not give them shallow answers like being a princess includes wearing big poofy dresses, having beautiful hair and being perfect. No, she said none of that. Instead she told them that a true princess is kind, loving and gentle. She's someone who is strong and who always stands for the right things. 'So Your Higness, can I be a princess?' a little girl asks the queen with a shy smile, 'Of course sweetie, in my eyes you're all beautiful and strong princesses,' said the queen that made the curious girls happy.

Jin on the other hand was helping his mother and Nari (the care-taker) to store the medicines in the storage room, little Jihyo (the girl who Jin helped save from bandits) helping them happily. 'Jinnie oppa, are you feeling sick?' she asked, worry laced in her voice as she looked up to meet the healer's eyes, 'No Jihyo-ah, I'm feeling just fine,' Jin said with a soft smile but Joo-hyun did not fail to notice how tired her son looked and she just remembered the frequent bathroom breaks he kept on taking now that Jihyo had asked Jin of his well being. After storing all the medicines safely, the four left the storage room and headed outside, Jihyo running ahead of them to go play with her friends and Nari heading to the kitchen to get the water boiling so they can start cooking a meal for the kids.

'Jin sweetheart?' Joo-hyun called out softly as they headed to the playground where everyone was, Jin stopped in his tracks and looked towards his mama, 'Yes mama,' he answered her with a soft smile. She looked at him with a gentle smile and then towards his abdomen, her son following her gaze. When he realised where she was looking, his cheeks turned into a shade of pink as did his ears, 'From your reaction I guess I don't have to ask you, take care honey,' she said as she pecked his cheeks lovingly, 'Thank you mama,' Jin said and they both headed to where the kids are playing. As soon as Jin reached the playground, all the kids rushed over to him giving him massive hugs and sloppy kisses all over his face making him laugh heartily as he brought them all into a hug of his own. Seungwan and Joo-hyun observed this from one of the benches with a smile on their faces. 'He'll make such a wonderful father,' the queen blurted out, 'I know you also think he's pregnant Irene. For almost a week, he's been having morning sickness and he's always tired; he also avoids bacon even though he always loved it,' the queen added as she shifted her gaze to Irene, 'I think so too. He's been going to the bathroom frequently and he looks tired, which is unusual since he's always energetic when he comes here,' Joo-hyun said with a smile. 'We're gonna be grandparents!' The ladies exclaimed at the same time and laughed happily, not noticing Jin smiling at them as he'd heard their loud exclamation.

Half an hour later, Jin was getting ready to help Nari prepare the different dishes for the feast but Joo-hyun and Seungwan immediately told him to just play with the kids because they can help the care-taker all by themselves. 'But mama I-' 'No Jin your mama is right, her and I are more than enough help. You need to rest,' Seungwan interrupted and Jin smiled, 'Why do I need rest?' he asked with a smirk, 'Uh- because, umm oh because you need more strength,' Joo-hyun said making the male laugh. 'Okay, I'll rest just because you both can't even pretend to act like you know nothing,' Jin said with a playful eye roll and he leaned in closer to his mothers, softly whispering just for them to hear, 'Your guesses are right, I'm pregnant,' and at that Joo-hyun and Seungwan squealed like little girls and pulled him into the warmest hug. 'Congratulations my baby,' his mama said with teary eyes as she kissed his forehead, 'Thank you mama,' 'Congratulations my dear,' the queen said as she kissed his temple, 'Thank you eomma. But please don't tell anyone else, I want to surprise Joonie later. I wanted to tell him here, but he couldn't make it today because he's busy,' Jin said with a pout making his mothers coo at him, 'Alright now go with the kids so we'll get to cooking,' Joo-hyun said with a laugh and Jin nodded and left to go with the kids.

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