Chapter 6

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As Namjoon and Jin entered the dining room, the Queen smiled brightly but as soon as she saw her son's bandaged hand a look of worry replaced her smile. 'What happened to your hand dear?' She asked while approaching him, Chanyeol also had a worried face as he too stood up and followed his wife. 'Nothing too bad eomma, just a small accident during training. Jin took care of it, so there's no need for any worry,' Namjoon said in a reassuring tone and Seungwan immediately hugged Jin, 'Thank you dear, thank you for taking care of Namjoon,' 'It's my duty to take care of my husband my queen,' Jin said with a gentle smile and a light blush dusting his cheeks. 'How many times should I tell you to call me eomma?' She softly reprimanded him, 'Ah I'm sorry eomma,' 'Well since everything is okay let's have dinner,' Chanyeol said with a bright smile, his worries about Namjoon's injury long gone since Jin was the one who took care of it.

The dishes were brought out, maids served the dinner to the family and soon left to give them privacy. Everyone started eating, however, Namjoon was having trouble trying to eat with his left hand as his right was injured and Jin noticed it immediately. 'You're having trouble eating Namjoon, would you like me to feed you?' He asked worriedly catching the King's and Queen's attention while Namjoon almost choked on air as he turned towards his husband who was now blushing madly at the attention he's given. Jin really didn't know what got over him to offer feeding the prince, maybe it's because he's just really worried about him or maybe because he's starting to feel something. 'It's alright Jin, I'll do it myself. I think I'll manage,' the prince said rather softly and Jin nodded.

Everyone except Namjoon were almost done with their dinner since he was really struggling and his mother found this quite interesting and hilarious. 'Son, why don't you just let Jin feed you? It would be easier and you'll get to eat the food properly without feeding the floor in excess. You don't mind right Jin?' Seugwan said slyly while looking at the young couple, the king also nodding his head. Namjoon who was getting irritated by the little amount of food he got into his mouth and stomach looked at his husband with eyes that seemed to scream 'please feed me' and Jin just smiled back beautifully and softly nodded his head, 'I don't mind eomma, Namjoon is my husband after all.' After saying that, Jin moved his chair closer to the prince so it'll be easier to feed him.

Delicately, Jin cut the meat into bite sized pieces and fed one piece along with some of the side dishes to his husband who happily munched the tasty dinner satisfactorily. Bite after bite, Jin kept on feeding him while the king and queen watched the two with fondness, hoping that Namjoon will learn the meaning of love soon. The prince on the other hand noticed Jin's almost empty plate and realized that when he started feeding him, his own dinner wasn't finished. 'Jin finish your own dinner now, I can have the rest by myself,' Namjoon said and looked at his husband with soft eyes, 'It's alright Namjoon, I'll finish it after I finish feeding you,' Jin said with a beautiful smile that almost made his husband's heart skipped a beat. Jin continued feeding his husband and after he's done, he finished his own dinner. Now, dessert was served, soft and moist chocolate mousse with strawberries and the healer's eyes sparkled at the sight because he absolutely loves chocolate, Namjoon noticed the way his Jin's eyes sparkled at the dessert and his cold heart was a tad bit warmer.

Jin took a spoonful of the dessert and raised it to Namjoon's lips but he didn't take a bite. 'Why don't you have the first bite this time?' the prince said surprising everyone, especially his father. 'But I'll h-' 'No Jin, take the first bite. I have a feeling you love chocolate.' Jin's eyes lit up as his husband could guess that he loved chocolate, a warm and tingly feeling spread across his stomach and he thought to himself that maybe just maybe they could fall in love one day. His thoughts was broken by Namjoon's voice, 'So, do you like chocolate?' Jin immediately nodded like a small child who's asked if he wants a new toy making everyone smile at his cuteness, even Namjoon smiled and thought that his husband was cute. And so, Jin took the first bite and his eyes seemed to sparkle brighter if it were possible. 'Do you like it dear?' Seungwan asked, 'I love it eomma,' he answered with the biggest smile that night then he proceeded to give it to Namjoon next, forgetting that it was the same spoon but the prince, even though he noticed didn't say anything and happily ate the dessert while the king and queen smiled knowingly at each other as they noticed their son's behavior.

Dinner was over about an hour ago and Namjoon and Jin are in their room, the prince sitting on the sofa, while going through some laws of different countries while his husband sat next to him reading a book about herbs. 'Namjoon?' Jin called softly, 'Hmm?' 'Should I sleep on this sofa or on the other one?' 'You'll sleep on the bed, with me. We're already sharing the same room so it's natural to share a bed since we're husbands, if you're comfortable of course,' Jin was taken aback by the prince's words. Just last night he didn't trust him at all but now after telling Jimin to let him do whatever at the greenhouse, he's also telling him to share the bed, 'I guess the prince is not so cold hearted,' Jin thought to himself as he smiled at Namjoon, 'I don't mind sharing the bed my Prince.' Namjoon stood up from the sofa and kept the documents he was reading in the drawer, 'Let's get some sleep, we need it since we'll be heading to the capital tomorrow and it'll be a long day,' the prince said, 'You're right Namjoon. Let's get some sleep.'

The couple were now on the bed, Jin to the left side and Namjoon to the right, 'Goodnight Namjoon,' the healer said softly not really expecting a reply, however he heard his husband's voice, 'Goodnight,' making him smile. 'I know you will learn how to love one day, my Prince,' Jin thought to himself while he drifted off to a peaceful slumber. Namjoon too was filled with his own thoughts before falling asleep. 'I don't really hate Jin as I thought I would. Why do I feel like I could trust him with my life and I want to protect him? What is this warm feeling I feel everytime I see his smile?' All these thoughts were running wild inside his head and he suddenly froze as his husband who was now in deep sleep snuggled closer to him. The prince didn't know what had gotten into him when instead of pushing Jin away from him, he instead pulled him closer to his chest and wrapped his arm tightly around his thin waist, nuzzling his head into his soft and fluffy hair.

Just like that, Namjoon fell asleep with his husband in his arms. No one, not even he himself could believe how he's turning so soft for the healer, but he's willing to accept the changes.

Could this be the start of a beautiful love between the two or would this change back to how it was before?

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