Chapter 2

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It's the day of the Royal Wedding, the only heir to the throne, Prince Kim Namjoon is getting married and the whole kingdom is happy for their Prince, wishing that he'll find happiness and love. Sure, he was cold hearted, but he is a wise young man who always puts his people first and cares about the welfare of the kingdom and it's people. The wedding bells rung signalling that the 'bride' has arrived and the whole kingdom wanted to know who the person was because up until now the 'bride's' identity was still kept secret by the Royal Family.

Namjoon stood at the altar, Min Yoongi to his left as the best man. The soft tune from the piano started playing as the doors opened and Jung Seokjin walked down the isle, right arm linked with his father's left. Jin's eyes met Namjoon's and he smiled softly but not getting a smile back, however he'd already expected to be treated coldly do he didn't mind one bit. As the healer reached the altar, the Prince reached out his hand and as Jin placed his hand on Namjoon's, he led him a bit forward while the guests took their seats and Sehun went to sit next to his wife and son.

The ceremony went by swiftly, neither groom really remembering anything except for the kiss that the prince planted on his now husband's cheek. Everyone was now in the main hall of the castle where the family usually held balls, enjoying the delicious dinner prepared by the most gifted chefs.

'I know you're the Prince, but if you dare hurt my brother I'll have your head hanging on our home's wall,' Hoseok said to Namjoon who was sipping on some wine, waiting for Seokjin to return from his short bathroom break. 'Hoseok, I already told your brother on the night we first met that I will never be able to love him or care for him but he said it didn't matter, it's his fate,' 'That I know. We also asked him to think about this whole thing properly but he said he'll endure it. I also know that you will never trust him, but all I ask is that you respect him as your husband and even when someday you'll find someone you love, tell him. Divorce him, he'll understand just don't cheat on him.' 'I may not learn how to love him, but I would never cheat on him and I will respect him,' Namjoon said firmly easing Hoseok's worries because he knows the Prince sticks to his word.

'My Prince, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long,' Seokjin bowed as an apology while Namjoon just nodded his head. 'Hyung, father wants to talk to you, he's waiting at the garden,' 'Alright, take care Jin and I wish you the best in your married life,' Hoseok said as be hugged his younger brother and kissed his forehead and bowed to Namjoon before heading to the garden to meet his father. After his brother left, Jin glanced at his husband and he noticed the tiredness in his eyes and face but he has to talk to the guests and forcefully smile a fake one to everyone, so being a caring person he is, he went to grab a glass of warm water so his husband can feel a bit relieved.

'My Prince, I can see you're very tired so please have a glass of warm water,' Jin said softly, handing the glass to Namjoon. 'Keep it to yourself, I don't need your care. For all I know you could have put some poison in the water since I heard you're an expert in making tonics,' the Prince said with a voice laced with venom, 'But I just wanted to help-' 'Shut it, I don't want to hear another word from you.' Jin felt like crying at the harsh words spoken to him, he just wanted to help the Prince out of worry but he got scolded and accused of wanting to poison him instead. He took a deep breath so the tears wouldn't fall, 'Then if you'll excuse me, I'm not feeling too well so I'll take my leave,' he bowed once before heading out of the room leaving Namjoon baffled.

It was almost midnight when all the guests had left and Namjoon went to his room to get some sleep. He had expected to see Seokjin already asleep on the bed but there was no one there, the bed was as the maids had arranged it in the morning with rose petals scattered on it. He stepped further into the room in hopes of finding his husband in the bathroom or maybe on the balcony but no one was there. Honestly, the Prince wished Jin was in the room sleeping because he felt bad for scolding and accusing him of something that he likely wouldn't do. 'Maybe he's in one of the extra rooms,' Namjoon thought to himself as he stepped out of his room and heading towards the extra rooms.

As he was walking through the hallways, Namjoon heard someone talking so he went nearer to where he assumed the person is. 'My Lord, would you like some hot tea? You must be cold after spending such a long time in the garden,' a maid said softly. 'I'm fine Eunji, you can go ahead and rest,' 'But why aren't you sleeping in the Prince's room?' 'I think I caught the flu so I wouldn't want the Prince to get sick, that's why I'm sleeping in a separate room,' Jin made an excuse and just as the maid was about to question him again Yoongi approached them and sent her away. 'You don't have a cold or the flu, why won't you sleep with your husband?' 'Yoongi shii, the Prince said he doesn't trust me and even said that I tried to poison him. So, if I sleep in the same room as him he won't be comfortable, he'll be on guard the whole night thinking I'll attack him and he will not get proper rest. As his husband I'll try my best to make him at ease and help him get proper sleep. Goodnight Yoongi shi,' Jin said before bowing slightly to the elder and entering the room. Yoongi on the other hand felt sorry for the young healer, he knew how cold Namjoon could be but accusing your own husband of trying to poison you is too much and the guard made it a point to talk to the prince about his childish behavior in the morning.

Namjoon on the other hand who had heard everything couldn't help but feel more guilty. There his husband was worrying about him and trying to help him while he behaved like an idiot, accusing him of trying to posion him and even inspite of that, Jin was still worrying about him, wanting him to get enough rest. The Prince wanted to apologize to Seokjin, but his pride wouldn't let him so instead of going to the extra room to apologize he went back to his own bedroom and tried to get some sleep.

Just like that the married couple fell asleep on separate beds, in separate rooms like total strangers who had nothing to do with each other.

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