Chapter 22 ~ Afterparty

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Edmund's POV:

After the celebration of the Yule Ball, I made my way back to the Great Hall and rejoiced with all my friends. The rest of the night was wonderful. The Triwizard Champions all then made their way at the end of the night to an afterparty. It was almost midnight and students were counting down the seconds till Christmas. We all went to some secret room, barely any of us had ever heard of before.

The champion's friends were all invited as well, but I wasn't sure who organized the party. There was lots of dancing and some drinking. Everything was nice and slow. The room was grand; it had hall-like features, a small one. Inches of gold crept up the walls and the roof reaching towards the chandelier. Right now, candles were on and moonlight shone brightly through the windows, creating a magical, unrealistic quality. Just like when I looked down the window.

Somehow, Louis found his way into this party as well. I ignored him, walked away as if he came closer. If our eyes met, I'd just muster a thousand-yard-stare. I didn't know what to do and was confused about how'd this happen. I need to think about it, but certainly not right now. But I wasn't considering anything.

I walked over to the counters, which had bowls of snacks. I grabbed a handful of salty chips and began munching on them.

I observed the room, just looking here and there. Cleo had changed into something comfier and was dancing with her friends. Y/n, still in her glistening blue dress, was sitting down talking to Cedric. Cedric. My friend. I wasn't particularly fond of the idea of anything happening between the two of them.

Cedric and I had been friends for a very long time, despite being a year older. We'd hang out during Summers and Christmas and visit each other's houses from time to time. We always had a good time going out and just messing around. He was the sort of person you could talk to. This year, our friendship remained limited. He'd been very busy, trying not to die and all. But, any free lunches, we continued our daftness. Although, we weren't violent or rude. Ever.

I hung around the food, put some food in what seemed like an empty bowl. "Mind if I have some?" Louis hung over the opposite side of the counter.

"There are some more over there," I indicated with my finger.

"Right. " he walked over and grabbed a handful of whatever. He then hovered back to be in front of me.

I rolled my eyes and turned to walk away.

"Stop - Edmund-"

I then snapped in the other direction, full-on irritated. "What? What is that you want now?"

He took a breath. "Look if you could just lis-"

I then began talking very loud, gesticulating wildly. "No, I could just - nothing! I don't want to talk about this. I don't need you bringing it up again and again. It didn't mean anything and please, will you give me some space to breathe, let alone think!" Couldn't he understand? I didn't want to talk! "So please, I beg off you. Just stay away from me! I need nothing else from you, okay? Just forget about it. Cause I certainly am" I yelled at him. Some people began looking, but I couldn't care less. I swallowed the rest of the anger rising in my throat. I tried to breathe. I couldn't feel a need for release. I turned around and quickly walked away clenching my fists. I could break something. Anger isn't my best quality.

Your POV:

I sat beside Cedric, chatting with him as everyone else either did the same or something else. Halfway through my sentence, I noticed Fred signaling for me to come over. "No, but it's brilliant. You're always really nice to talk to. Excuse me" I then said to Cedric, patting his shoulder as I walked away.

Fred looked up at me and back at Harry, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Tell this lad to not worry, please. He doesn't seem to listen to anyone"

I furrowed my eyebrows, looking down at Harry. I then fumbled around in my dress. "Sure. Only, if you would like to"

Harry gave Fred a death stare. "Not right now, thank you very much," He said sternly.

"Alright," I replied as Harry turned around. I then shot a confused look, followed by a hand gesture.

"What was that all about?" Cedric towered over me.

I then let out a sigh. "I think everyone's a bit squiffy, oh the headaches they'll have in the morning"

"Yeah, can I offer you a drink or anything?" Cedric asked as you both walked over to the table. He poured himself some clear liquid.

I shook my head "No, I don't drink-"

Cedric held out the glass to me. ". . . don't worry. It's water"

I then dropped my shoulders. "Oh, thank you," I smiled, gulping down the water. I hadn't realized how thirsty I was.

I looked over my shoulder to find Cho very invested in her conversations.

Cedric and I walked over to the full-length glass windows. "Did I mention how pretty you look tonight"

I ran a hand through my dress. "Thank you, you look handsome-"

Cedric looked down and back up again. "Oh - I - thank you" his cheeks turned a bit pink as he tried to hide a smile.

I looked at my dress, which was being bathed in the moonlight. It looked like it sparkled. There were three layers, all the nicest shade of blue. Like winter. Embroidery a little downward from the waist, white. Like snow. It looked really good. It became rather tight now. "You came with George, right? Are you like-"

"Oh, no. Just friends. You and Cho?"

"Yeah," he said, drumming his fingers along the glass.

I then turned around and grabbed the nearest chair and placed it in front of the window to watch over the majestic night. Cedric followed suit. I then bent over and began taking off my heels and placing them on the side.

Cedric raised his brows. "You've been wearing them all night?"

I chuckled in pain as I stretched my feet. "Well, I guess I either have a high tolerance for pain than most, or I stopped feeling my feet four hours ago"

I pointed weakly at him. "And you've been wearing that bow tie all night?"

He then looked down "Oh yeah, oh well" he shrugged, letting his arms drop in his lap. Cedric let out a yawn.

I followed that yawn. "Hey, Cedric?" a high-pitched voice from behind. Cho was walking towards us, bowl in hand.

"Oh, hey" Cedric turned around. I just spared one glance at Cho and then looked back outside.

"Just to let y'know, the girls and I are heading out. Maybe a sleepover." Cho explained, placing her hands on his arm.

"Not called it a night yet?"

"No, not yet. Well, goodnight then. Good night y/n, you look really nice"

I turned back. "Goodnight, thank you. You look great."

"Thanks," Cho slightly bowed and hurried off to her friends.

"Well, I'm tired. I think I'll go as well"

"Well, let me walk you to your common room," Cedric said, slowly rising from his seat.

I then thought for a moment, "We're in the same house"

"Oh yeah, my bad."

I then chuckled, and we both walked to the Hufflepuff common room.

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