Chapter 3 ~ The choosing

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"I hate you so much!" I punch Fred a little more than lightly on the arm which earns a groan from him. They soaked me with water after pulling a prank, some say I should be used to it. No. But I'm going to get them back real good one day.

"How was quidditch practice then?" George asks as we take a seat on the grass in the courtyard.

"Not bad. Chaser this year. Did a couple of drills with Cedric an-"

"Cedric ay?"Fred whistles with a smile. I furrow my eyebrows, every guy I mention became my crush but it was fair I also did the same with Fred and Angelina whenever he talked about her. "It's not like that"

"Not yet" George winks at me. I chuckle ruffling his very long hair. I lay down on the grass and stare up at the sky as the clouds slowly pass by. Fred lies down on my right and George on my left. "Do you want to help us with a prank?" George asks.

"Go on" I respond interested in what they had in store. They both go on explaining it to me, finishing off each other's sentences. I giggle a bit. "A prank on Snape? A month's detention at least" I shake my head.

"Come on-"

"What do you have to do that is-"

"More important?"

"If we get caught you better not ditch me," I say with a smirk on my face "Let's do it. Tonight after dinner"

"Great!" Fred celebrates.


As I walk into the Great Hall the Goblet of fire still stands tall and students are crowded around different parts of tables or trying to get to the other side of the hall. I could see Snape with a severe look on his face. More fun pranking him. "Sit down, please" Dumbledore announces. I take the nearest seat I could find, right opposite Cedric. "Now the moment you have all been waiting for. The champion selection!" my heart could just leap out of my chest. Edmund eyed me knowing that I regret my decision. His eyes soften a bit. All the lights go off except the one the Goblet was giving off. Nice suspense.

I stare at the Goblet wide-eyed as the flame turns from blue to red and shoots out a piece of paper and turns back to a bright blue. My heart pounds and I can barely sit still. My finger and my leg starts twitching slightly. Dumbledore reads the name "The Drumstrang champion is Viktor Krum" and the guys from Drumstrang roar applauding him.

The next parchment is caught and Dumbledore announces "The champion from Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour" and I clap alongside everyone else. Just one more. Just one more.

"The Hogwarts champion Cedric Diggory" and a smile forms across his face as we cheer him on. A burden of worries is lifted from my shoulders allowing me to relax. "Excellent! now that we have our three champions. But in the end, only one will go down in history. The only one will hoist this chalice of champions this vessel of victory" a flick of his hand and a glowing blue chalice with beautiful silver engravings. The celebrations are cut off by the Goblet launching another paper.

"Harry Potter?" he questions quietly. He observes the room to find his face "Harry Potter?!" and everyone faces him as he sits back down "Harry Potter!" terror-stricken he walks up to the Headmaster, taking the piece of parchment from him. He stands next to the other three champions terrified.

"He's a cheat"

"He's not even seventeen yet"


The hall left stunned, I notice another flicker of red in the burning flame. The whole fire turns red and blasts upward with another piece of parchment. Dumbledore dumbfoundedly walks to the Goblet with the parchment in hand.

"Y/l/n" he announces. Edmund and I face each other "Y/n Y/l/n!" he shouts making me flinch. I curse under my breath. There must be some sort of mistake.

"Go go" Megan hisses and panicked I go up. Megan was one of my best friends, Hufflepuff like me. We'd been friends for five years and we're very very close. I care for her very much. All eyes were on me I could feel their judgment sinking into my heart. I want to run, but I have to stay. I walked up and took the parchment with shaky hands. Hundreds of thoughts and scenarios of what could happen flash through my mind, ways I'll die, what happens. I swallowed and my thoughts along with the bile.

My jaw trembles as I stand next to Harry. "This is going well for two people who shouldn't be here" he whispers through gritted teeth.

"Extremely well" I whisper back. My jaw trembles and I try not to show any fear. Edmund's eyes pierce into mine as terrorized as I am. It's all fun and games till you are chosen for the tournament. He isn't going to take this well and neither am I. Fred and George's smiles have vanished into oblivion and they remain astounded. I tried not to look at Cleo but she looks as if she is about to cry "Can we just get this over with"

"Oh no, we're bound talk afterward" Harry susurrates. All headmasters and headmistresses both eye Harry and I carefully. Looking for any falter on our expression anything to give away that it was our doing. I can assure them it wasn't.


"I don't want to be a part of this stupid tournament" I hiss to Harry as we walk down the steps of Dumbledore's office.

"Trust me neither do I y/n" Harry's voice quivers. Walking further down. He opens the gate with unsteady hands. "Stick together?"

"Yeah, yes" I reply more concerned about what is about to come, the punishment, the scolding to come.

Fleur, Krum, and Cedric stand before us all with questions buzzing through their minds. Cedric looks angry at both of us. I don't blame him. I turn to look around to see three headmasters coming down the stairs. I pat Harry's shoulder to brace himself. "Harry! Did you put your name in the goblet of fire" Dumbledore asked abruptly. His hands clutching his shoulders practically shoving him into the wall sending a clatter of plates on the floor. "Get one of the older students to do it for you. You're sure?"

'Yes, sir"

'But of course, he is lying" The headmistress of beauxbatons snarls.

Madam Maxine clutches my arms. Smart. I would have run. "Y/n Y/l/n did you spell it?" Dumbledore asks stiffly "Did you spell it!" he shouts.

"No sir, what spell c-could I have possibly used" I try to remain confident but fail.

"I'll leave this to you Barty," Dumbledore says to Barty who thinks.

"The Goblet of fire constitutes a magical binding contract. Mr. Potter and Mrs. Y/l/n have no choice. They are as of tonight Triwizard champions" the words stung deeply making my eyes burn. There has to be a way out.


"What on earth were you thinking?" Edmund sighs.

"I am not supposed to be a champion neither Harry"

"Did you spell it?"

"How could I? I would seriously risk my life over some glory, come on Edmund. Be thankful it's not you" I speak with disgust.

"I can't be thankful y/n if you're in this. I'm in this." he notices something in my eyes and places both hands on my shoulder "I'm not mad at you, not at all. I'm kind of excited to see what my Lil sis is capable of." He goes on making it seem exciting rather than scary. I know he knows I'm shaken to the core so that's why he does it. Always turning something negative positive. Honestly, I'm kind of happy now I'm not as scared. I just wrap my arms around him "Thank you, Eddie" I whisper.

He hugs me back tightly as if I'd slip away any second "Didn't I tell you to stop called me that?" he chuckles.

"Yeah a few years ago" I chuckle under my breath.

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