Chapter 8 ~ Tired

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I sit at the Hufflepuff table for breakfast, but don't eat anything. Just have some water. I sit opposite Megan who indulges in a croissant. "Y/n! Y/n!"

I turn around and see a male Hufflepuff with light-colored hair walking up to me. His mouth is full of food and he hands me the Daily Prophet and walks away.



"Oh no," Megan whispers. I rip the newspaper in two and flick it into the middle of Megan and me. At least it's better than last week's issue. There was a whole column on me. After Meg is done reading it. I snatch the paper from the table and rip it into two and continue to until no one can decipher what's on the newspaper.


That was the week before last week's headline.


I stand in the hallway with Fred and George waiting for Flitwick to finish his other class. "Charming" I whisper to George's little story.

"What about me?" Fred pretends to be offended.

"Y/n" I turn around to find Edmund towering over me rather than Fred and George. "I thought I'd I'd let you know that Mom is coming to your second or third task. She also trusts me to report everything next week" he explains with a grin. He turns to the two gingers and eyes them carefully and wanders away.

"Your mom huh? Big expectations then . . ."

"Hopefully living will be enough"

"For your mom. Eh," George shakes his head as he puts his arm around my shoulders.


My leg bounces and doesn't have the courtesy to stop. Anxiety, what a wonderful thing. Less than three weeks and I've done nothing. I've barely researched, then again how's that going to help me? Guys from Drumstrang hang about the corridors talking to some of the older students. I'm pretty sure I saw Edmund talking to one of the girls from Beauxbatons.

I let out a long yawn and stretch my hands above my head. "Going for dinner?" Megan asks as he turns the page from her book. I simply shake my head. I wasn't hungry at all today. I had some lunch, which would do for the night. "That means I have to socialize with other people?" Megan huffs throwing her head back.

"I'll come if you want"

"Nah, it's good" she dismisses me with the wave of her hand. She stands up patting my arm and leaves while reading her book.

"Don't fall down the stairs Meg" I joke aloud.

"That was one time!" she replies raising her hand in the air, not looking back. I walk and sit on one of the wooden chairs near the windows. I rest my arm on the table in front of me and stare into the air. It's weird, I don't think of anything but the staring is relaxing. Almost a pause button. I sit there for what could be hours but does it matter? Everyone could be asleep by now. Or it's just been a minute and everyone is still on their way to dinner.

I probably shouldn't be skipping meals now. But why eat when you're not hungry?

I sink into my chair and cross my arms over my chest and close my eyes. For some people being alone is terrible and frightening. I don't disagree sometimes it is scary. But sometimes it's peace. Right now it's the second one. Edmund's been bugging me all day. Every other person you talk to keeps bringing up the tournament. Even all three of my besties. They're just concerned that's all. I should be too.

I sense that someone sits opposite me, they aren't great at being discrete. I open my eyes. "Cedric . . . I thought you were having din-"

"Didn't feel like it" he replies as he places some parchments on the side of the table. "Can I join?"

I nod and he also crosses his arms and sinks into his chair. I open my eyes and weakly smile. I close my eyes in turn.

"We have an interview with Rita Skeeter tomorrow . . ."

"Oh great. She'll probably twist up my words, make me look bad, and feed the rumors" I whisper, still keeping my eyes closed. I hear Cedric shift a bit.

"I'd tell you not to do it but then it'll be worse. Your mentality should be to prove them wrong" he advises.

"Yeah. I still do not believe I'm in this tournament" I explain "like it hasn't hit me yet"

"Honestly, same. I'm tricking myself into panic or something . . . not working"

"Tired, Ced?"

"Very very tired y/n"

"We'll be fine," I say dishearted.

"That's the spirit" Cedric sighs and rests his head on the edge of the table. His right hand lay in front of his head. I don't think and I extend my hand to hold his. God, why? What's wrong with me? He then squeezes my hand slightly. He looks up and smiles slightly and rests his head back on the table.

With a stretch and a yawn my eyes flutter and close. 

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