Chapter 46 ~ Three Days

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Two days had passed, and I found myself leaning against a wooden table in the common room, attempting to choke down my meal. I felt my body tense and a shaky breath escaped me. The upcoming task had me on edge, my nerves constantly jittery. Well-wishers from all houses approached me, offering words of encouragement, which helped soothe my frayed nerves. Megan furrowed her brows, concern etched on her face. "Slow down, you're fine," she advised."Y/n?" Cedric entered the common room, closing a book. " Are you alright?"

I looked up, pulling myself together. "I'm fine. Let's go. We shouldn't keep Fred and George waiting." Cedric and I were slowly falling back into our rhythm, but I could not stop thinking of his words: When I wanted to get close to you, I never intended it to be in a way like this... I was falling in love with you.

Megan and I walked in silence down the dimly lit corridors, but her demeanour was different. There was a heavyweight in her expression, and it concerned me. Megan suddenly slowed her pace, causing me to furrow my brows and stop beside her. I gently placed a hand on her shoulder." Megan, what's wrong?" I inquired softly, sensing her unease. She hesitated before her voice trembled, "What if something happens to you?" The words came out quietly, tinged with worry and sadness. My heart ached at her fear. "Please, don't say that," I whispered, my own eyes betraying my anxiety.

Megan shook her head, her voice quivering, "What if it does? What am I going to do? I don't think I could bear losing you, I—"I interrupted her words with a tight, comforting embrace. There was little I could say to ease her fears, and this sense of impending doom was consuming both of us. I simply held her, silently sharing the weight of our apprehensions.

"Nothing will happen, Megan," I whispered, my voice filled with conviction as I wiped away the tears cascading down my cheeks. "I will make it through, and then we can return to the serenity of our lives."

"Promise?" she implored, her eyes searching mine for reassurance. All I could offer in response was a bittersweet smile.

Megan and I entered the Gryffindor Common room, and there, in the cosy heart of the house, I couldn't help but notice the sight of Fred clapping a supportive hand on George's chest, offering words in hushed tones. Fred caught our arrival, and in an instant, George turned to face us. His hands quickly ran through his dishevelled hair, a telltale sign that he was trying to regain his composure. 

"What's the matter?" I inquired, my hands falling to my sides. "George?"

George shook his head, exhaling unsteadily. "It's nothing. Don't worry."

Glancing at Megan, I chewed my lip, silently exchanging concern. "Shall we take a seat?" Fred proposed, motioning toward the sofas. The atmosphere felt off, a strange tension lingering as we settled in, enveloped by an uneasy quiet. Megan gazed into the dormant fire, Fred directed his attention to the carpet, and George fidgeted with his hands.

"So, um, the maze in three days," Fred began, breaking the silence.

"Exactly," George chimed in, his tone slightly strained. "You've been preparing for this, right?"

I nodded, trying to ease the palpable tension. "Yeah, a lot of training. It's going to be quite the challenge. " I affirmed, attempting to diffuse the thick atmosphere. "Loads of preparation and practice. But you know what? I'm determined to conquer it. We'll all make it through, and then we'll grab a round of butterbeers to celebrate. That's a promise."

There was a fleeting sense of relief in their eyes at my reassurance, but the underlying tension persisted. Fred managed a weak smile, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, a butterbeer sounds good."

"Mates, how about we do something that's not quite as, um, depressing?" Megan piped up, a glint of mischief in her eyes. "I've got an idea. Let's set up a quick game, something to take our minds off things for a bit."

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