Chapter 1 ~ Back home

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I step onto the Hogwarts express. A familiar smile forms on my lips as the unexplainable feeling of happiness and nervousness fills my body. By the looks of it, everyone felt like that. It was my fifth year here. And something exciting was going to happen, the Triwizard tournament. Two other schools would be joining us for something fascinating. I knew little of it, but everything would be explained to all of us.

I slide the door of the empty compartment and take a seat, putting my legs across the seat, relaxing. I stared out the window and the is the darkness of the cobbled, grey worn-out walls. I jolt as the door slides turning to focus on it. Two tall redheads with identical smirks enter.

"Morning y/n/n" Fred whistles as he sits opposite me. I take my feet off and reply "Morning Freddie. You too Georgie"

George proceeds and sits next to me hitting my head playfully which makes my eyes roll. We met in the first year on the train. All the compartments were full and they didn't mind me sitting with them. We bonded and became friends. Although, we weren't in the same houses. Them: Gryffindor and me a Hufflepuff.

I squint my eyes trailing over both the twins noticing something. "You two have grown. A lot. And now I feel short"

"Don't worry about it, we already made you feel short now we make you feel even shorter" Fred grins at you, and George just smiles closing his eyes, and rests his head on the wall.

Hours pass and I seem to have drifted off into a deep sleep occupied by many dreams of which now I do not remember. That only I was shaken awake and my mind is drawn back in the real world. "Ahem," a dark brown-haired boy coughs as he leans outside the side of the compartment.

"What?" I question as I yawn. Only a moment later do I realize that I fell asleep on George's shoulder "Oh. Shut up Eddie" I hiss. He is my older brother Edmund in his sixth year, Slytherin. He is more of a protective type of person, especially me, his younger sister. Although, he has a great sense of humor and takes on a great deal of sarcasm from our mother as the rest of us.

"Do not call me Eddie. And if you wanted to sleep you should've brought a pillow" he replies in the same manner and stalks away after a small scolding.

"Your brother still hates us" George speaks after making sure he's gone.

"Oh, we're definitely pranking him this year" Fred laughs already scheming to torture Edmund. "Only If I get to as well" I join in.

I also have one younger sister named Cleo who's in Gryffindor's house. What a variety we have going on huh. She's in the fourth year that's how I most know the trio very well. All three of us siblings are close but very bad-tempered. Mother was a Gryffindor, Dad a Hufflepuff, and our Grandfather was a Slytherin.


We sit in the great hall on our separate house tables. The hall is full of students now, considering we had just finished the sorting of the first years. We have lots of Hufflepuffs this year. I sit across from Cedric Diggory and a few other familiar Hufflepuffs, but my friends sit further down at the table.

'I'd like to make an announcement.' Dumbledore said aloud standing behind the pedestal. 'This castle will not be only your home this year, but home to very special guests as well. You see Hogwarts has been chosen and then he paused as Filch the Hogwarts caretaker ran up to the headmaster and whispered something into his ear. 'So Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event the Triwizard tournament' he continued and whispers filled the great hall. I had heard about this tournament. Never did I think we would get a chance to compete in it. 'For those of you who don't know. The Triwizard tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. For each school, a single student will be selected to compete.' I was excited now. I heard my brother and his friends talk about it all the time. 'Now let me be clear! If chosen you stand alone! and trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint-hearted. but more of that later' Dumbledore warned.

"Wicked" I hear Fred and George speak.

"Wicked indeed" I repeat under my breath.

Now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the beauxbatons academy of magic!' The doors of the great hall swung open and a group of girls dressed in what seemed to be blue silk walked in. A formation they rehearsed it wasn't hard to tell. All the guys were falling head over heels for them already. I shook my head a bit as they entered.

'Please greet the proud sons of Drumstrang!' Dumbledore announced after everyone finished applauding the girls. Sticks were hitting on the floor which produced yellow sparks. They then ran through the great hall performing a bunch of stunts. It certainly made a few people rise from their seats. I admitted I was impressed. And at the end a bird made out of the fire. I recognized Viktor Krum immediately as he walked in front of the Drumstrang headmaster. After everyone settled down Dumbledore began talking again. 'I'd like to say a few words. Eternal Glory!' Dumbledore spoke as he placed his hand on a golden-looking thing. 'That is what awaits a student who wins the Triwizard tournament. But to do this a student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks!'

Students from Beauxbatons Academy of magic and Drumstrang entered with huge performances that left us all stunned. "The ministry has concluded that for their own safety no student under the age of seventeen should be allowed to put forth their name. This decision is final" The international mister of something I didn't know what his title announces. The students get rowdy and start yelling and complaining.

I didn't complain, luckily I just turned seventeen last month. I don't know about entering it but I would definitely consider it. I lock eyes with Cedric Diggory who sits across me. I know that he is thinking the same thing.


"You both can't enter. But I can ah this feels great" I smile annoying Fred and George, they weren't keen on this.

"Oh shut up!" George says annoyed.

"Enter the thing! you're of age and you'll have eternal glory" Fred suggests.

"Maybe. We'll see" I reply thinking carefully, the fact that I was already considering it was surprising. I wave goodbye and enter my common room.

"Wait so who in here is gonna sign up?" A Hufflepuff asks aloud. A few reply in shouts and hand raises. "What about you Y/l/n. You're of age" they continue to ask cooly.

"Perhaps" I reply confidently, fixing my posture. At my answer, Cedric looks in my direction eyeing me from head to toe. He seems surprised at the thought of me competing. He doesn't think I can do it. "I will" and I walk up the stairs slowly up into my dormitory.

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