Chapter 44 ~ Everything ends

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I closed my eyes and let out a shaky breath. I released Logan, my grip on him loosening, and the weight of everything hit me like a tidal wave. The room swayed around me, the alcohol's influence seeping into my senses. My heart pounded in my chest, and I could feel myself falling apart.

Regret surged through me. The moment I heard Cedric's voice, I should have known it would lead to nothing but pain. It was as if the alcohol had blurred my vision and now I was seeing the world through a distorted lens.

"I'm sorry, I have to go," I muttered, the words escaping in a daze, barely audible to even my own ears. I could feel Cedric's gaze from a distance, but I couldn't bear to meet it.

I hurried to find an empty corridor, my steps unsteady as I leaned against the cold, stone wall. I needed a moment to catch my breath, to regain some semblance of composure. Everything seemed to slow down, my hands trembled, and the agony in my chest was inescapable.

Realization crashed over me like a relentless storm. Everything I had felt for Cedric, the depth of my emotions, they weren't reciprocated. It was all a ruse. My heart shattered into a thousand pieces, the hurt squeezing my chest in an unrelenting grip that refused to let go.

Cedric emerged from the bustling party with a peculiar expression on his face. I had resolved not to let him see me cry, no matter how shattered I felt. His question, however, caught me off guard." Were you going to kiss him?" he demanded.

I met his gaze, my own eyes filled with a mix of hurt and disgust. "It's true, isn't it? All of it? Well?" I said, my voice edged with bitterness. I couldn't believe that he was so fixated on something so trivial as a kiss.

Cedric took a step closer, his tone softening as he implored, "Y/n, you need to let me explain. Please, let me explain. It isn't—"

My patience had worn thin, and my heart was too broken to entertain his explanations. My voice quivered with a potent mix of sadness and anger as I cut him off. "Explain what, Cedric? That it was all a game to you? "There's nothing to explain. You were the last person I'd expect something like this from. I trusted you! Edmund was right," I lashed out. Pacing around, I clutched my head, piecing together the moments that had suddenly taken on a darker meaning. "Oh my God. It all makes sense. You've been telling me for weeks now not to 'stress myself out,' and to spend more time with my friends whenever I bring up the competition or do something for it. You always distracted me. You insisted on training together so you could take note of my weaknesses. So if it comes to us in that bloody maze, you know how to fight me. You've been so overbearingly nice lately, wanting to spend all this time together so I wouldn't be able to fight you in that maze. You've been planning this from the start, haven't you? I've become so blindsided that I couldn't notice what you were doing."

Cedric's face fell, his desperation evident. His lips parted slightly, but he couldn't find the words to defend himself. He took a step closer, his voice trembling with urgency. "Y/n, you have to listen to me. Please, let's go somewhere alone so I can tell you everything."

I shook my head, my resolve firm. "I'm not going anywhere with you—"Just as I refused, I spotted Fred, George, and Megan approaching, a sense of relief washing over me. 

Fred's frown deepened as he observed the tense scene."What the bloody hell is going on here?" he demanded. Megan rushed to my side, wrapping her arms around me, her concern evident. 

Fred's protective instincts flared, his gaze hardening as he took in my tear-streaked face. His question was like a threat, "What'd you say to her?" George's anger was palpable as he confronted Cedric, his voice edged with fury, "Did he hurt you?"

I steadied myself, "He's an outright liar! He's been lying to me since the start of this year. It was all a trick. He used me so he could win the tournament."Fred's grip on Cedric's collar tightened, and he pushed him against the wall. "He only got closer to me so he could exploit me. He was manipulating me."Cedric, genuinely hurt by the accusation, wasn't resisting. 

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