Chapter 40 ~ Coming out

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Edmund had gradually come to accept that Cedric and I were truly together, not just some unreal figment of his imagination. My daily routine revolved around relentless practice for the Third Task. The champions were presented with the massive and intimidating maze on the Quidditch Pitch. Most of my practice sessions were with Edmund, as he was familiar with my skill set. His involvement provided both a valuable challenge and a chance for growth. Louis offered assistance when possible, while Cleo managed to attend whenever her class schedule permitted.

Cedric strongly emphasized our collaborative efforts due to our shared house affiliation, aiming to capitalize on the convenience it offered.

Classes had once again intensified for our year, and the reality was that I found myself struggling to keep up amidst everything.

"Expelliarmus!" Cedric exclaimed, propelling the spell in my direction.

"Protego!" I retorted, conjuring a shield before me. Swiftly, I countered with an "Expulso!" The result was an explosion of pressure rather than heat, causing Cedric to be forcefully thrown back onto the floor.

Our practice took place in the very room where we had been learning the Yule Ball dance under the guidance of Professor Sprout. As I approached Cedric with a victorious smile, he admitted in playful defeat, "You got me." Cedric rubbed his back, "I think I underestimated your spell there. Remind me not to challenge you to a duel when you're in this form."

I grinned, offering him a hand to help him up. "Oh, so now you're admitting defeat and asking for mercy? How the mighty have fallen."

Cedric feigned offence, "Defeat? I'll have you know that was a tactical retreat to assess your skills more closely."

I take a step forward, a mischievous glint in my eyes, as I lean in closer to Cedric. The air between us is charged, and I can sense his anticipation. His gaze locks onto my lips, causing my heart to race even faster. Just as the tension becomes almost palpable, I seize the moment and swiftly incant, "Stupefy!" The spell carries a controlled intensity, not meant to harm but to catch him off guard. Cedric reacts with remarkable speed, his wand moving to create a protective barrier that deflects the spell effortlessly.

He laughs, shaking his head, "I should have seen that coming."

I shrugged, "Oh, you were distracted, clearly. My fault for taking advantage of such an opportunity."

Cedric lifted his water bottle for a sip, allowing me a moment to catch my breath. As he drank, I found myself drawn to him, captivated by his features. His dark hair was tousled from our practice, his eyes held a spark of amusement, and his easy confidence was both alluring and reassuring.

Caught in my observation, I quickly averted my gaze as our eyes met. Nervously, I tried to compose myself, but Cedric's voice broke the silence. "I never stopped you."

My heart skipped a beat, and I blinked, momentarily puzzled. "What?" I managed to say.

A playful smile curved his lips as he leaned against the wall. "From looking at me," he clarified.

Heat rose to my cheeks, and I stammered, "Oh, I wasn't—I mean, I didn't realize I was..."

Cedric's smile only grew more pronounced, "No need to worry. It's not like I'm complaining."

He put his arm around me as we left and today Edmund had decided he wanted to tell our little sister about Louis and he wanted me to be there. Cleo already suspected me and Cedric together actually most people did it and I was surprised how we managed to keep Edmund in the dark for that long. We were heading back to the Hufflepuff common room eager to shower and change.

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