Chapter 39 ~ Wrongs and Rights

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Edmund's POV: 

I sat in my room, leaning against the creme-coloured wall, my gaze drifting around the space. Sunlight streamed through the open white windows, casting a warm golden glow upon the carpet. Inside, the air was pleasantly cool, and my bed remained unmade, sheets rumpled, and a thick blanket carelessly hanging off one side. My robes were strewn across the small one-seater, with my shoes haphazardly placed beside them. A half-empty cup of water still sat on the table.

No more important classes, no more intense schedules to occupy my mind. All that remained were my thoughts, relentlessly demanding my attention. I released a trembling breath, trying to hold back the tears welling up within me. I wasn't one to cry often, but lately, my emotions seemed to surface too quickly for me to suppress. I pressed my fingers to my eyes, determined not to let them flow freely. 

I gasped involuntarily, blinking away the tears that threatened to escape. I couldn't recall exactly when or why I started feeling this way. Lately, everything seemed to loom over me, casting a shadow on my thoughts. My mother, my father, Y/n's tournament, and being with Louis—I felt overwhelmed, and I couldn't even remember the last meaningful conversation I had with Cleo.

I don't know how to explain it when I can barely understand myself. I keep telling myself to get up, tidy my room, and appear presentable, all put together. Messiness always bothered me, and I couldn't rest until I fixed it to my satisfaction. I promised myself five more minutes. 

I got up and dressed elegantly beneath my robes, slinging my book bag over my shoulder. Louis was talking with Blaise, so I waited, and Draco Malfoy seemed to be doing the same, occupied with his green apple. I had never taken a liking to that boy.

"What's going on there?" I asked curiously, observing them as they walked away.

"Oh, nothing to worry about," Louis smiled, almost reaching out to touch me but pulling back awkwardly. "You'll find out soon enough." It bothered me a bit that Louis and I had to hide when we were with friends or in public. I was still trying to figure things out, and I wasn't sure if I would ever feel comfortable with it. "Heading to see Y/n and Cedric?" Louis asked.

I nodded, letting out a long breath. I was still angry about what Cedric had done, lying straight to my face. "Yeah, that..." I hesitated, not wanting to insult one of my best friends. But I also felt betrayed since Cedric knew about my feelings long before the tournament.

"Hey, just go easy on them, okay?" Louis said as we climbed the stairs from the dungeon. "I know you're upset, but it's not his fault he loves her. It's fine to be angry, just try not to do something you'll regret. They've been together for a long time now, and..." Louis trailed off, changing the subject. "Potions done?"

I waved my Potions assignment in front of him. "Yeah. I'll try to take it easy and be calm. It can't be that hard."

As we continued walking, Louis flashed a playful grin and said, "You know, I must say, you always manage to look stunning, even beneath those robes."

His compliment caught me off guard, "Oh, stop it," I replied with a teasing smile. "You're just trying to distract me from being angry."

Louis chuckled, his eyes locking onto mine. "Well, maybe I am. I can't help it; you're just so handsome," he whispered, his breath warm against my ear.

Feeling a rush of butterflies in my stomach, I tried to maintain composure. "Flattery will get you nowhere," Louis leaned in even closer, his lips inches away from mine. "Are you sure about that?" he murmured, his gaze locked with mine. My resolve weakened, and before I knew it, our lips met in a tender kiss.

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