Chapter 48 ~ The Third Task

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My hands trembled with a mixture of fear and nerves, a relentless swirl of unease flooding my mind as she struggled to get ready. I felt an inexplicable knot twisting my insides, prompting another sickening wave that led her to the bathroom. Cold and consumed by terror, I found myself lost in a haze of uncertainty.

Megan had been a steady presence, offering reassurance for the past hour, though I couldn't quite tell if it was making a difference. As they descended from their room to the common area, a group of Hufflepuffs approached her. Their words of encouragement, firm handshakes, and assurances that I'd do well alongside Cedric seemed to penetrate the fog of anxiety that enveloped me. It brought a measure of solace knowing her house believed in me. Cedric was welcomed with the same fervour and support from the Hufflepuffs.

The Great Hall buzzed with energy during breakfast, the air filled with a charged atmosphere. Hufflepuffs offered Y/n and Cedric words of luck, their warm gestures adding to the collective anticipation. Gryffindors directed cheers and encouraging nods to Harry, their support echoing across the hall.

"How are you feeling? Ready?" Cedric inquired, his hands restless with nerves.

YI managed a nod, a hint of uncertainty clouding my expression. She pushed herself to consume a few bites of a nutritious breakfast, my stomach churning with anticipation. Cleo and Edmund approached me, offering encouraging words and joining me for a brief moment. Edmund's reassurance held a depth of sincerity as he patted her back.

"Remember, if you need anything, anything at all, come find me," Edmund said, placing a hand over his heart. "We're right here with you, and we always will be."

After breakfast, I made her way straight to the Gryffindor common room, seeking comfort in the familiar presence of the Weasley twins and Megan. As  I settled into their room, a mix of gratitude and apprehension overwhelmed me. I struggled to find the right words to express my emotions but knew I needed to convey my feelings to my closest friends.

Taking a deep breath, I began, "I just... thank you, guys, so much for everything. For supporting me through all of this, for just being there. You're truly the best friends I could ever ask for. And just in case... in case something happens," her voice wavered slightly as tears welled up in her eyes, "I love you all so, so much."

Fred's expression softened, a reassuring smile playing on his lips. "Hey, we're not going anywhere. You're our friend, and we're going to be here cheering for you, no matter what."

George nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. We've got your back, always have, always will." and then tilted his head with a lopsided grin. "Besides, we've got a bet riding on you getting out of that maze in style. Can't let us down now, can you?"

Megan had tears falling and I held her hands tightly, "We're going to wait for you okay? You'll ace it and then we'll go out for butterbeer, you're going to ace it. You are family, Y/n."

I gathered myself, wiping away the last of my tears as I embraced each of them. This wasn't a farewell, I silently reminded myself, trying to anchor my thoughts to something hopeful.

Amidst the charged atmosphere, I found Cleo and enveloped her in a tight hug. "Good luck. I'm counting on you, alright?" she said, her words brimming with affection. "You're my best sister, okay?"

"Okay," I whispered back, planting a kiss on her cheek and holding her close. "I'll see you at the maze."

As I turned to leave, I caught sight of Harry, his green eyes focused on me. He stood there, a solitary figure in a sea of friendships. I made my way over to him, arms open, pulling him into an embrace. "Good luck, Harry. I'm here if you need anything. You've got this."

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