Chapter 10 ~ Preparing

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I sit in Transfiguration write down notes quickly, as the professor talks. I know it's not necessary to write down everything but you never know. Today, we move onto more 'theory' based work. Transforming into an animal isn't as easy as one may think. I shudder at the thought of breaking almost every bone in your body or minimizing or maximizing from your current state. That doesn't mean I'd think it's cool. If given the opportunity to transform into an animal, I'd take it. Just imagine roaming the woods and feel the cold air brush against you as you run. The feeling of grass under your paws. Or soaring through the skies reaching the white misty clouds. Feeling the change in temperature as everything below you comes into view. I wonder if you forget your worries for a bit. Or explore the vast oceans with always a new corner to turn.

"Miss y/l/n. Miss y/l/n?" McGonagall tilts her head looking at me. I quickly look up "Do you understand the task?" I nod my head, it's a lie. I zoned out for a few minutes. I turn my head around mouthing "What task" to Fred and George. They shrug back, doesn't look like they were listening either.

McGonagall soon dismisses the class and everyone beings to pour out of the classroom. I stay behind, my mind debating to or not. "Miss y/l/n. Can I help you?" McGonagall offers ever so sweetly.

"I was wondering, what does it feel like to transfigure into something else? and when is it achievable?" I swallow hoping I'm not overstepping or being annoying.

"It's wonderful, a hard to explain the feeling. It can be achieved with studying and lots of practice. But not in time for your tournament" she replies placing one hand on my shoulder. I wish I could transform, I'd have an advantage even it was a very tiny one. Maybe I won't get hurt or die then. "You are a brave and intelligent student if you put your mind to it" she encourages me. It doesn't help that much.


I feel hot and sticky everywhere, I feel beyond uncomfortable. The library is normally one of the coolest places in the castle, temperature-wise. Not today. I stand up and quickly take my robe off and hang it at the back of my wooden chair. I had the rest of the day free. I wear light-colored jeans folded at the hem with a pair of black converse. My shirt tucked in, it's light brown. I wear multiple rings on each hand and my hair was done in a ponytail with strands sticking out at the front of my head.

I've been noticing for a while how Ron keeps looking in my direction every few minutes. I just shrug it off. He keeps looking at me with a worry woven into his face. Should I go up to him? Seems best. I walk up to him in long calculated strides. Ron swallows at the sight of me and turns away to face a bookshelf, pretending to search for a book. "Ron . . . ?" I raise my eyebrows with an eager expression. This puts him on edge further.

"Oh, hi" he mutters, looking to the floor.

"How are you? Doing good?" I ask genuinely, I asked everyone all the time, even if I didn't get the truth.

"Good. Look I needed to tell you something" he then sighs playing with the corner of some dusty old book.

"Yeah, I'm listening" I cross my arms, replying in a soft tone.

"So i-it's about the first task" he explains in a whisper. I just nod my head. I wonder what he knows. "My older brother Charlie works with dragons, you know that. He kinda hinted that the first task w-would be fighting dragons" My jaw drops and dread pools my stomach. Dragons? How are we suppose to fight Dragons? My heart beats faster and the hairs on my arms stand up. However, I try to maintain a less worried expression. "I'm not sure sure though" he swallows.

"Thanks for the tip" I rest my hands at my side. It looks as if some sort of weight is lifted from Ron as he eases up. "Good thing I'm in the library" I smile lightly. If I displayed all my worry in front of Ron, he'd tell Cleo. Cleo'd be bothered and fall into some spiral of distraught. Like her older sister, I have to make sure that burden shouldn't be placed on her. "Does Cleo know?"

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